5996941 Leah's Friend Comments

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Ramla Zareen Ahmad Hi Leah, thanks for the friend request:-) Looking forward to interacting with you and reading your books!:-)

Kristin (KC) Thanks for the invite, Leah, and your cute message!;)

message 2: by Didi

Didi Hi Leah, thanks for the friend request:)) looking forward to chatting with you.

message 1: by Leah

Leah Brown Over 400 readers have added Faking It to their Goodreads to-be-read shelves, which means it's time to post a link to the special excerpt.

Here it is:http://leahmariebrown4.wix.com/leahma...

I hope you enjoy this sneak peek into Vivia's world. You can pre-order Faking It by following the links at the bottom of the excerpt.

It's also time to announce the winner of the Fandango gift card. The winner is *imagine a drum roll* Monet.


Congratulations Monet!

If you didn't win a prize this round, take heart! once I hit 500 readers, I will give away two more prizes and I will be choosing from everyone who has added Faking It to their to-be-read shelf. That means you can still win swag from MOI!

And, when this giveaway is over, I will be starting another, bigger one! Be sure to subscribe to my website or follow my Facebook account to get info about all my contests.



Leah Marie

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