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Good Omens: The N...
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The Sea of Monsters
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“Ignorance is a choice. Hatred is a choice. Violence is a choice. But someone’s existence is never a choice, or a fault, and it’s certainly not a crime. You would be wise to educate yourself.”
Chris Colfer, A Tale of Magic...

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
“But the animals−−"
"Well, I must endure the presence of two or three caterpillars if I wish to become
acquainted with the butterflies. It seems that they are very beautiful. And if not the
butterflies−− and the caterpillars−− who will call upon me? You will be far
away... as for the large animals−− I am not at all afraid of any of them. I have my
claws. "
And, naïvely, she showed her four thorns. Then she added:
"Don't linger like this. You have decided to go away. Now go!"
For she did not want him to see her crying. She was such a proud flower...”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Lord Uzih
“When one comes out to speak, it's NOT because they want to be pitied and told everything will be fine. We know everything will be fine but our tears and our words, and hidden messages on posts, our statuses is to let you know that we are still in search of happiness. To tell you we are trying to be strong, to remind you that there will always be time when even in the morning weeping still endures. Where our nights of tears are no different from the sun that was supposed to bring laughter. Everyone of us have a way of attaining relief. Our outcry is a way of hope.”
Victor Vote

Deborah Leblanc
“He'd died. Plain and simple. And it pissed him off. Left him frustrated and disappointed. Where had all, the guardian angel crap they'd fed him in catechism gone to? He'd seen no angels, seraphim, archangels or pearly gates. No one to show him the ropes now that he was dead. What the hell was he supposed to do?”
Deborah Leblanc, Toe to Toe

Lord Uzih
“Everyone of us have a way of attaining relief. Our outcry is a way of hope.”
Victor Vote

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