Miss L

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The Uncanny
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Jun 04, 2022 05:05AM

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Book cover for Eat, Pray, Love
You are, after all, what you think. Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions.
“A sensual relationship is about cherishing and adoring each other in a selfish world ruled by instant gratification.”
Lebo Grand

“Ecstasy is compounded sensuality.”
Lebo Grand

“Women need to feel seen before they can give themselves permission to be sensual.”
Lebo Grand

“Sensuality is the feeling of already being the person you desire to be.”
Lebo Grand

Georges Bataille
“In essence, love raises the feeling of one being for another to such a pitch that the threatened loss of the beloved or the loss of his love is felt no less keenly than the threat of death. Hence love is based on a
desire to live in anguish in the presence of an object of such high worth that the heart cannot bear to contemplate losing it. The fever of the senses is not a desire to die. Nor is love the desire to lose but the desire to live in fear of possible loss, with the beloved holding the lover on the very threshold of a swoon. At that price alone can we feel the violence of rapture before the beloved.”
Georges Bataille, Erotism: Death and Sensuality

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Mario Ucci
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