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Vladimir Nabokov
“Dear Jesus, do something.”
Vladimir Nabokov, Pale Fire

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad ar-Rumi
“You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?”

“I think resentment is when you take the poison and wait for the other person to die”
M.T., A Sponsorship Guide for 12-Step Programs

Ambrose Bierce
“Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.”
Ambrose Bierce

Elie Wiesel
“The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.”
Elie Wiesel

39941 Chocolate, Caramel and Vanilla Erotica — 301 members — last activity Jul 25, 2023 10:53AM
For readers who sometimes like a little multicultural flavor to their erotic fiction. Please come and share your favorite interracial/multi-racial ero ...more
97207 Reviews for AA & IR Romance Authors — 313 members — last activity Apr 13, 2024 10:13AM
This is a group for authors of African-American and interracial romance to find promo opportunities and book reviews. This groups supports all genre o ...more
13439 Fans of Interracial Romance — 3114 members — last activity 19 hours, 41 min ago
In this group, we believe that love transcends bounds of race and ethnicity. Love is about the heart and soul, not the color of someone's skin. This g ...more
201178 Fantasy IR — 68 members — last activity Oct 11, 2019 04:25PM
This group is for interracial fantasy books. Vampires, Aliens, Witches, etc
32045 Interracial Multicultural Romance Readers — 669 members — last activity Jun 22, 2023 04:45PM
Devoted to the readers and writers of Interracial and Multicultural Romances. Join us as we discuss the latest releases and much loved classics by a ...more
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year in books
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