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See all 15 books that Christine is reading…
“as she looked into her past, she noticed that the road she had traveled was no simple straight line. her journey toward fully loving herself and the world was full of forward and backward movement, twists, turns, detours, and even some pauses. at times, she doubted her progress, her potential, and even her power to change. but today, with the wisdom of experience at hand, she knows she could not have gotten to where she is without every movement she has ever made. (experience)”
Yung Pueblo, Inward

Ocean Vuong
“How else do we return to ourselves but to fold
The page so it points to the good part”
Ocean Vuong, Time Is a Mother

Ada Limon
“Humans are so strange in the ways that we are either recovering too quickly from something or holding on to pain forever. There seems to be no middle ground. We bounce back or we wallow. But remembering the hardest moments of grief or loss and letting them be present for you in the good moments is something I’ve found useful and grounding as I age. It feels like a way of remembering that balance does exist. This too. This grief. This joy. Together always intertwined.”
Ada Limon

“find a partner you do not have to perform for. when you are both committed to honesty and have active compassion for each other, there is no need to behave in ways that are not genuine. true love is welcoming each other’s changing emotions with open arms. though you are both dedicated to becoming the best versions of yourselves, you also understand that not every day will be a good day and not every step will be a step forward. being in a relationship with a high degree of authenticity and gentleness allows both partners to let down their guards and feel at home.”
Yung Pueblo, Clarity & Connection

“find a partner who is not afraid to grow. if they are ready to notice their patterns, let go of old conditioning, and expand their perspective, then they will be ready to support a vibrant relationship. two people who are working on knowing and loving themselves as individuals will naturally deepen their love and understanding of each other.”
Yung Pueblo, Clarity & Connection

233 ¡ POETRY! — 22092 members — last activity Jul 17, 2024 11:56AM
No pretensions: just poetry. Stop by, recommend books, offer up poems (excerpted), tempt us, taunt us, tell us what to read and where to go (to read ...more
853 Constant Reader — 5858 members — last activity 1 hour, 55 min ago
A forum for friendly discussion of classics, literary fiction, nonfiction, poetry and short stories. We also love movies and art. Don't ask to join th ...more
970 Boxall's 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die — 20704 members — last activity 10 hours, 0 min ago
For those attempting the crazy feat of reading all 1001 books! For discerning bibliophiles and readers who enjoy unforgettable classic literature, 10 ...more
127054 Pubslush Literary Corner — 275 members — last activity May 05, 2020 01:51AM
Love books? This group is a fun and informative forum open to writers and readers to talk about all things literary with a unique emphasis on crowdfun ...more
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