Armin Pérez

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Robert A. Johnson
“Creativity in a man is directly linked with his inner feminine capacity for growth and creation. Genius in a man is his interior feminine capacity to give birth; it is his masculinity which gives him capacity for putting that creativity into form and structure in the outer world.”
Robert A. Johnson, He: Understanding Masculine Psychology

Robert A. Johnson
“A medieval Christian proverb says," To search for God is to insult God. "This implies that God is always present and any search for him is a refusal of this fact.”
Robert A. Johnson, He: Understanding Masculine Psychology

Scott Hahn
“Mary is God’s masterpiece. Have you ever walked into a museum where an artist was displaying his work? Can you imagine his being offended if you were viewing what he considered to be his masterpiece? Would he resent your looking at that instead of at him? ‘Hey, you should be looking at me!’ Rather, the artist would receive honor because of the attention you were giving his work. And Mary is God’s work, from beginning to end.”
Scott Hahn, Rome Sweet Home: Our Journey to Catholicism

Robert A. Johnson
“A surgeon friend of mine likes to say," Don't fix what isn't broken. "It is only an extension of that to say," Don't search for that which is already at hand. "But we are westerners and have to search in order to learn that there is no search.”
Robert A. Johnson, He: Understanding Masculine Psychology

Paul Tillich
“And like the temple, the earth was judged at Golgotha. Trembling and shaking the earth participated in the agony of the man on the Cross and in the despair of all those who had seen in Him the beginning of the new eon. Trembling and shaking the earth proved that it is not the motherly ground on which we can safely build our houses and cities, our cultures and religious systems. Trembling and shaking the earth pointed to another ground on which the earth itself rests: the self-surrendering love on which all earthly powers and values concentrate their hostility and which they cannot conquer. Since the hour when Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed His last and the rocks were split, the earth ceased to be the foundation of what we build on her. Only insofar as it has a deeper ground, can it stand; only insofar as it is rooted in the same foundation in which the Cross is rooted, can it last.”
Paul Tillich, The New Being

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