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How to Be a 3% Ma...
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Norm Macdonald
“When it's unexpected, death comes fast like a ravenous wolf and tears open your throat with a merciful fury. But when it's expected, it comes slow and patient like a snake, and the doctor tells you how far away it is and when, exactly it will be at your door. And when it will be at the foot of your bed. And when it will be on your flesh. It's all right there on the clipboards.”
Norm Macdonald, Based on a True Story: A Memoir

Kristian Ventura
“Death is the ultimate vacation: you’re with the stars, you don’t have to pay rent, everyone loves you, and nothing hurts. So, it’s very important you save death for later.”
Karl Kristian Flores, The Goodbye Song

Valentin Rasputin
“Let them, let them scratch where it itches, it's a real human itch to gossip, to go over someone's bones until they're picked clean. They can't live without it. And you just keep quiet, do your work, and don't taunt them--they'll stop sooner. And then it'll be someone else's turn, and you'll be with the others again. Is this the first time? The very thing they blame you for, they'll praise you for later. People…”
Valentin Rasputin, Live and Remember

Katherine McIntyre
“Burying that hot bod would be a disservice to mankind,” Julian responded, his tongue running away from him as per usual.”
Katherine McIntyre, Wisdom Check

Katherine McIntyre
“Do I have something on my face?”
Nate shook his head. “Nah, I was just wondering what a genuine smile looked like from you. It’s breathtaking.”
Katherine McIntyre, Stronger Than Hope

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