Cori Lindsey

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Israelmore Ayivor
“Two kinds of people to avoid in your life; 1. Those who love your lies and 2. Those who hate your truth. Avoid them.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Let's go to the Next Level

“Don't worry about offending people. Any time you write something thought provoking, some idiots will complain, because they hate it when you make them think.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, The Ugly Truth About Self-Publishing: Not another cookie-cutter contemporary romance

David M.  Allen
“Invalidating someone else is not merely disagreeing with something that the other person said. It is a process in which individuals communicate to another that the opinions and emotions of the target are invalid, irrational, selfish, uncaring, stupid, most likely insane, and wrong, wrong, wrong. Invalidators let it be known directly or indirectly that their targets views and feelings do not count for anything to anybody at any time or in any way.”
David M. Allen

“Trust of others is in short supply for many adult survivors, as complex trauma generally involves major relational betrayal. It is, therefore, expectable (although paradoxical) that clients with these histories are predisposed to be mistrustful at the outset of therapy, precisely because of (and in proportion to) the actual trustworthiness of the therapist. When past experiences have thought hard lessons, namely, that one can least afford to trust the people who should be most trustworthy, it stands to reason that confusion about trust results. The therapist must understand and not take offense either personally or professionally and not react judgmentally or defensively. Practically speaking, this involves the therapist being prepared to patiently and empathically respond to active or passive tests or challenges to trustworthiness as legitimate and meaningful communication that deserves a respectful reply in action as well as in words.”
Christine A. Courtois, Treatment of Complex Trauma: A Sequenced, Relationship-Based Approach

“If someone thinks you’re being dramatic or selfish, then they obviously haven’t walked a mile in your shoes. It’s not important for you to explain yourself. You get a pass here. Don’t let anyone else try to saddle you with guilt or shame. If you need your space, take it.”
Sarah Newman

year in books
0 books | 35 friends

Tina Eb...
1 book | 13 friends

C.j. Wa...
0 books | 3 friends

Tammy Hall
1 book | 27 friends

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