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“I get up. I walk. I fall down. Meanwhile, I keep dancing.”
Daniel Hillel

Lord Byron
“She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes...”
Lord Byron

John Irving
“All men are liars, said Roberta Muldoon, who knew this was true because she had once been a man.”
John Irving, The World According to Garp

Anita Shreve
“Love is not simply the sum of sweet greetings and wrenching partings and kisses and embraces, but is made up more of the memory of what has happened and the imagining of what is to come.”
Anita Shreve, Fortune's Rocks

William Shakespeare
“Silence is the perfectest herald of joy: I were but little happy, if I could say how much. Lady, as you are mine, I am yours: I give away myself for
you and dote upon the exchange.”
William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing
tags: love

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