Amanda Kespohl

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Amanda Kespohl

Goodreads Author

Member Since
June 2013


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Amanda Kespohl It depends on what induced it. Sometimes, I'm blocked because I've hit a snag in the plot and I can't figure it out. If that's the case, I'll leave th…moreIt depends on what induced it. Sometimes, I'm blocked because I've hit a snag in the plot and I can't figure it out. If that's the case, I'll leave the work for a moment while I worry at the problem, free-writing in my journal or just walking around my neighborhood, thinking in circles. If I'm still stuck, I call my best friend, Sabrina, and natter at her until I come up with a solution.

There's another kind of blocked, a more drained kind of blocked. Like I had this bountiful crop of golden words, swaying in my mind like wheat, and I've harvested them all. The soil is bare, no seeds have been sewn, and there's nothing to be gleaned from that land until it's rested some. If that's how I'm feeling, I give myself time to relax. I read, I watch TV, I go out with friends, I walk my dog. After a while, the soil is rested, and new seeds start to sprout anew.(less)
Amanda Kespohl I am never truly bored. Words are my favorite playthings, and they're always there when I need a distraction. I can stare at a tree in wintertime and…moreI am never truly bored. Words are my favorite playthings, and they're always there when I need a distraction. I can stare at a tree in wintertime and amuse myself by trying to find the words to express how I feel about the way the sky seems to fill the bare branches. Which frequently leads to me patting my pockets and muttering, "That's pretty good actually, better right that down."(less)
Average rating: 3.91 · 218 ratings · 70 reviews ·5 distinct works
The Death of All Things

3.89 avg rating — 140 ratings — published 2017 — 4 editions
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4.26 avg rating — 38 ratings — published 2016 — 2 editions
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Hear Me Roar

3.64 avg rating — 39 ratings
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Jenny Redcape

4.20 avg rating — 10 ratings
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3.33 avg rating — 3 ratings
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The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett
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The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett
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Babel by R.F. Kuang
by R.F. Kuang(Goodreads Author)
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Beautiful prose, rich world building, and complex, well-developed characters lurk in these pages. But the pacing was not what I'd hoped for. There was such a compelling heist plotline going on that got benched too long to allow for classroom scenes a ...more
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Half-Witch by John Schoffstall
by John Schoffstall(Goodreads Author)
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City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett
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Ink Blood Sister Scribe by Emma Törzs
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The Hollow Places by T. Kingfisher
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Amanda Kespohl marked as never-gonna-read
Manic Pixie Egirl by Nate Lemcke
Manic Pixie Egirl
by Nate Lemcke(Goodreads Author)
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Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh
"3.5 stars

Silver in the Woodreads like a forest fairytale.It could be seen like a loose m/m retelling of the Green Man myths, so it's fitting that this is a storyabout rebirth and reawakening,not only of nature after spring but of people after tox " Read more of this review »
Amanda Kespohl rated a bookreally liked it
Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh
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This book started off a little slow for me. What kept me going was the worldbuilding. The main character, Tobias Finch, lived alone in the forest near a small town. There are all manner of outlandish stories about him, and it turns out that at least ...more
More of Amanda's books…
Stephen King
“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.”
Stephen King

Peter S. Beagle
“If she had touched me," he said very softly, "I would have been hers and not my own, not ever again. I wanted her to touch me but I could not let her. No cat will. We let human beings caress us because it is pleasant enough and calms them - but not her. The price is more than a cat can pay.”
Peter S. Beagle

Peter S. Beagle
“But what's left on earth that I haven't tried?" Prince Lír demanded. "I have swum four rivers, each in full flood and none less than a mile wide. I have climbed seven mountains never before climbed, slept three nights in the Marsh of the Hanged Men, and walked alive out of that forest where the flowers burn your eyes and the nightingales sing poison. I have ended my betrothal to the princess I had agreed to marry — and if you don't think that was a heroic deed, you don't know her mother. I have vanquished exactly fifteen black knights waiting by fifteen fords in their black pavilions, challenging all who come to cross. And I've long since lost count of the witches in the thorny woods, the giants, the demons disguised as damsels; the glass hills, fatal riddles, and terrible tasks; the magic apples, rings, lamps, potions, swords, cloaks, boots, neckties, and nightcaps. Not to mention the winged horses, the basilisks and sea serpents, and all the rest of the livestock." He raised his head, and the dark blue eyes were confused and sad.

"And all for nothing," he said. "I cannot touch her, whatever I do. For her sake, I have become a hero — I, sleepy Lír, my father's sport and shame — but I might as well have remained the dull fool I was. My great deeds mean nothing to her.”
Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn

Peter S. Beagle
“I am no king, and I am no lord,
And I am no soldier at-arms, "said he.
"I'm none but a harper, and a very poor harper,
That am come hither to wed with ye. "

"If you were a lord, you should be my lord,
And the same if you were a thief, "said she.
"And if you are a harper, you shall be my harper,
For it makes no matter to me, to me,
For it makes no matter to me. "

"But what if it prove that I am no harper?
That I lied for your love most monstrously? "

"Why, then I'll teach you to play and sing,
For I dearly love a good harp, "said she.”
Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn

Peter S. Beagle
“You were the one who taught me," he said. "I never looked at you without seeing the sweetness of the way the world goes together, or without sorrow for its spoiling. I became a hero to serve you, and all that is like you.”
Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn

111707 Bisky's Twitterling's Scribbles! — 993 members — last activity Jan 26, 2020 07:58AM
This is a place for people to discuss their books, published or soon to be. Its more than 140 characters:] The topics here are about your writing, h ...more

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