Cindy Burnett (Thoughts from a Page)

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Pearce Oysters
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The Blue Hour
byPaula Hawkins(Goodreads Author)
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575477 AMERICAN HISTORICAL NOVELS — 1142 members — last activity Mar 21, 2024 06:40PM
American Historical Novels is hosted weekly by your favorite authors. This is NOT a reading group, but a place to discover great, new fiction. There w ...more
53087 Chick Lit Central — 314 members — last activity Dec 17, 2022 03:28PM
Goes along with our blog (, our page on Facebook: ( and our Twitter feed (@chickli ...more
93888 NetGalley Readers — 5567 members — last activity 1 hour, 35 min ago
This is a group for those who participate in to discuss the books that they have been reading from the website, share helpful hints, and ...more
189475 All our TBR's — 105 members — last activity Jan 28, 2020 11:41PM
We book people have a tendency to own a lot of books, some of us doesn't always get around to reading all of them. Let's do that! Every month you guys ...more
25x33 Historical Novel Lovers — 38 members — last activity Jun 27, 2021 05:43AM
A group devoted to fans of historical fiction.
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