Zoraida Dumit

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“The planet is not in peril. What is in peril is human life.”

Teal Swan
“The emptiness that we feel is the result of those rejected (and therefore
suppressed) parts of ourselves. Your soul wants only one thing, and that is to
make you whole again.”
Teal Swan, The Completion Process: The Practice of Putting Yourself Back Together Again

Teal Swan
“Parents and adults in our society found a way to preserve their own self-concept, and that was through feeding themselves, as well as you, with the belief “It’s for your own good.” We are fed this lie from day one. Even those of us who grow up in the most loving households are fed this lie. We make our children sit through hours of lessons in the prison-like environment we call school and tell them it’s for their own good. We discipline them in ways that are painful to their minds and bodies and tell them that it’s for their own good.”
Teal Swan, Shadows Before Dawn: Finding the Light of Self-Love through Your Darkest Times

Teal Swan
“Observing and then letting go is one of the most important skills to acquire in the quest to create positive change, as is knowledge of stillness.”
Teal Swan, The Sculptor In The Sky

“If you become full-blown consciousness, everything that can be known will be known to you.”

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