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André Aciman
“And like the old men who sat around the piazzetta facing the Piave memorial, we’ll speak about two young men who found much happiness for a few weeks and lived the remainder of their lives dipping cotton swabs into that bowl of happiness, fearing they’d use it up, without daring to drink more than a thimbleful on ritual anniversaries.”
André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name

André Aciman
“From this moment on, I thought, from this moment on—I had, as I’d never before in my life, the distinct feeling of arriving somewhere very dear, of wanting this forever, of being me, me, me, me, and no one else, just me, of finding in each shiver that ran down my arms something totally alien and yet by no means unfamiliar, as if all this had been part of me all of my life and I’d misplaced it and he had helped me find it. The dream had been right—this was like coming home, like asking, Where have I been all my life? which was another way of asking, Where were you in my childhood, Oliver?”
André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name

André Aciman
“What did you write on the back of the postcard?”
“It was going to be a surprise.”
“I’m too old for surprises. Besides, surprises always come with a sharp edge that is meant to hurt. I don’t want to be hurt—not by you. Tell me.”
“Just two words.”
“Let me guess:If not later, when?
“Two words, I said. Besides, that would be cruel.”
I thought for a while.
“I give up.”
Cor cordium,heart of hearts, I’ve never said anything truer in my life to anyone.

André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name

André Aciman
“There is a law somewhere that says that when one person is thoroughly smitten with the other, the other must unavoidably be smitten as well.Amor ch’a null’amato amar perdona.Love, which exempts no one who’s loved from loving, Francesca’s words in theInferno.Just wait and be hopeful. I was hopeful, though perhaps this was what I had wanted all along. To wait forever.”
André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name

André Aciman
“I had rehearsed losing him not just to ward off suffering by taking it in small doses beforehand, but, as all superstitious people do, to see if my willingness to accept the very worst might not induce fate to soften its blow.”
André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name

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