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Pyotr Kropotkin
“The more we study the question, the more we are brought to the conclusion that society itself is responsible for the anti-social deeds perpetrated in its midst; and that no punishments, no prisons, and no hangmen can diminish the numbers of such deeds; nothing short of a re-organisation of society itself.”
Pyotr Kropotkin

Maya Schenwar
“There’s a reason for the mainstream bipartisan consensus around community policing: it maintains and expands the status quo. As advocates call for fewer police and less policing and criminalization, community policing becomes a way to reshape the narrative to position police as friendly beat cops who know everyone’s name. But community policing doesn’t make policing more effective, less hostile, or more accountable to the communities they serve in. Instead it allows police to further entrench their presence in neighborhoods, justify increases in their numbers, and even mobilize community members to participate in policing by surveilling our neighbors.”
Maya Schenwar, Prison by Any Other Name: The Harmful Consequences of Popular Reforms

Jonathan Tran
“Antiracism entails two fundamental tasks: first, diminishing racialization’s ability to facilitate domination, which involves deflating identarian (racist and antiracist) modes of analysis, and, second, displacing exploitation as the basis of political economy, which involves highlighting alternative idioms by which political economy is imagined.”
Jonathan Tran, Asian Americans and the Spirit of Racial Capitalism

“That does not mean, however, there should be no consequences. It means real consequences. Consequences that really matter. It means transforming the conditions that exist in the first place for this to even have happened. It is really critical for people to think about the difference between punishment and consequences. Punishment often is actually not the same as transformation. Even though it feels good to wear the “kill the rapists” T-shirt, that isn’t the thing that is actually going to get us the world we want to live in.”
Mariame Kaba, We Do This 'til We Free Us: Abolitionist Organizing and Transforming Justice

“Anarchists are socialists because they want the improvement of society, and they are communists because they are convinced that such a transformation of society can only result from the establishment of a commonwealth of property.”
Johann Joseph Most, An Anarchist Reader

41424 Anarchist & Radical Book Club — 2414 members — last activity Jul 04, 2024 05:10AM
This is a group to read and discuss anarchist practice and theory, by gathering a large body of anarchist literature, non-fiction, and theory, as well ...more
1180800 The Autistic Book Club — 743 members — last activity 13 hours, 55 min ago
Welcome to the Autistic Book Club! This month we are reading 'What I Mean When I Say I'm Autistic' by Annie Kotowicz. The 'Goodreads' Autistic Book ...more
year in books
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