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Book cover for Outlander (Outlander, #1)
That made it murder, it seemed to me, not war. How many men to make a war? Enough, perhaps, so they didn’t really have to see each other?
Martin Luther King Jr.
“There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

Angela Y. Davis
“It is in collectivities that we find reservoirs of hope and optimism.”
Angela Y. Davis, Freedom Is a Constant Struggle

Stuart Murray
“As followers, we do not claim to have arrived at the destination, nor need we distinguish ourselves from others who are at different stages of the journey. Belonging, believing, and behaving can all be interpreted as aspects of following. Churches that are committed to following Jesus can then welcome fellow travelers unreservedly and unconditionally. But their ethos is one of following, learning, changing, growing, and moving forward.”
Stuart Murray, The Naked Anabaptist: The Bare Essentials of a Radical Faith

Thomas Merton
“It does no good to use big words to talk about Christ. Since I seem incapable of talking about him in the language of a child, I have reached the point where I can scarcely talk about him at all. All my words fill me with shame.”
Thomas Merton, The Sign of Jonas

Martha N. Beck
“People who don't honor their losses don't grieve. They may lose all joy in living, but they don't actively mourn, and this means that they don't heal.”
Martha N. Beck, Finding Your Own North Star: Claiming the Life You Were Meant to Live

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