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The Art of Memoir
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Kaitlyn is currently reading
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A Separate Peace
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Jonathan Safran Foer
“It’s easy tobeclose, but almost impossible tostayclose. Think about friends. Think about hobbies. Even ideas. They’re close to us—sometimes so close we think they are part of us—and then, at some point, they aren’t close anymore. They go away. Only one thing can keep something close over time: holding it there. Grappling with it. Wrestling it to the ground, as Jacob did with the angel, and refusing to let go. What we don’t wrestle we let go of. Love isn’t the absence of struggle. Loveisstruggle.”
Jonathan Safran Foer, Here I Am
tags: love

Jonathan Safran Foer
“I've raised my voice at a human only twice in my entire life. Both times at the same human. Put differently: I've known only one human in my entire life. Put differently: I've allowed only one human to know me.”
Jonathan Safran Foer, Here I Am

Jonathan Safran Foer
“There’s a Hasidic proverb: ‘While we pursue happiness, we flee from contentment.’” Jacob”
Jonathan Safran Foer, Here I Am

Jonathan Safran Foer
“the desire to wring out a few more drips of happiness almost always destroyed the happiness you were so lucky to have, and so foolish never to acknowledge.”
Jonathan Safran Foer, Here I Am

Jonathan Safran Foer
“But the point isn’t that I want to know everything about you. It’s that I don’t want anything about you withheld.”
Jonathan Safran Foer, Here I Am

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