Danielle Bassi

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Danielle Bassi

Goodreads Author

in Santo Andre, Brazil


Ken Follet, Khaled Hosseini, Ildefonso Falcones, Naomi Klein, John Boy ...more

Member Since
July 2015

Danielle Bassi, a native of Brazil, spent her formative years in the country before embarking on a journey that took her to Padua, Italy. There, she pursued a degree in Politics and International Relations. Subsequently, she relocated to the UK, where she resided for nearly six years before returning to Padua, where she currently lives with her partner and daughter.

Driven by her fascination with diverse cultures and global affairs, Daniele delved into language learning. During her time in the UK, she made the decision to study journalism after winning a writing contest. In 2013, she enrolled in a course at the London School of Journalism. Two years later, she participated in a foreign correspondence program in Prague, Czech Republic.


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The Baby in the Picture: A ...

it was amazing5.00 avg rating — 1 rating — 2 editions
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Os escritores podem pegar experiências insignificantes e transformá-las em excelentes obras de arte

No final dos anos noventa e início de dois mil, minha família era amiga de outras famílias que hospedavam estudantes estrangeiros. Tínhamos recebido um intercambista da Austrália um ou dois anos antes e, naquele ano, uma menina americana, nascida no Brasil, veio ficar com uma das famílias.

Sinceramente, não me lembro do nome dela. Pelo que me lembro, nos encontramos apenas algumas vezes durante eve Read more of this blog post »
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Published onApril 24, 2024 22:23 • Tags: escrever-um-livro,ideas
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bySara Nisha Adams(Goodreads Author)
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Danielle Bassi made a comment in the group Booktok 📚 — Novels about social issues topic
" Hello, dear book lovers,

I was wondering if you could help me with this.

I love reading novels that discuss cultural, political, and social issues. I l
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122477 40416
" I read it a few years ago. I must say it is not the type of genre I usually read, but it was OK. If you are looking for a novel that makes you questio ...more "
" Bom dia a todos!

Há poucos meses, publiquei o meu primeiro livro, escrito originalmente em inglês. Agora, gostaria de publicá-lo (de maneira independen
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Danielle Bassi made a comment in the group Goodreads Brasil — De que cidade são? topic
" Originalmente de Santo André - SP mas morando em Pádova, Itália há muitos anos!!! Bom dia pessoal!!! "
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The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams
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by Sara Nisha Adams(Goodreads Author)
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Mussolini ha fatto anche cose buone by Francesco Filippi
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Mussolini ha fatto anche cose buone ": Le idiozie che continuano a circolare sul fascismo è un libro assolutamente da leggere visto i tempi bui che viviamo. Francesco Filippi distrugge tutti i miti e le bugie inventate dai nostalgici del ventennio che ...more
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