black lamb

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The Darkest Part ...
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byHolly Black(Goodreads Author)
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“My god, Anna,” he says. “I almost lost you.” He has me in his powerful grip. I’ve never felt this safe before.
“Never let go,” I say, looking into his beautiful gray eyes.
“That could be problematic,” he says. “I’ll have to let you go at some point. What if I have to pee? What if you have to pee?”
“I don’t care,” I say.
“What if I have an important business meeting and I’m holding you and we’re both covered in urine?”
I start to cry. “You’re right,” I say, turning my face away from his gaze. “Nothing lasts forever.”
Fanny Merkin, Fifty Shames of Earl Grey

Robert Crumb
“Keep on truckin'”
R. Crumb

“Mr. Long Fingers. Mr. Womb-Ticklers”
Fanny Merkin, Fifty Shames of Earl Grey

Peter S. Beagle
“Farrell had seen pure white drunkenness before, but not often enough to recognize it at sight. He knew the thing itself, however--the freight train rattling and lurching comically from hilarity to slobbering sorrow, picking up speed as it passed through wild, aimless anger straight on into wild sickness; and then, running smoothly and almost silently now, into a dark place of shaking and sweating and crying, and out again with no warning to where a dazzling snowy light made everything very still.”
Peter S. Beagle, The Folk of the Air

Margaret Atwood
“Why are you so interested in amoebas?"
"Oh, they're immortal," he said, "and sort of shapeless and flexible. Being a
person is getting too complicated.”
Margaret Atwood

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