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And Then We Rise:...
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How We Heal: Unco...
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One Hundred Days
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byAlice Pung(Goodreads Author)
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Blake Crouch
“We’re all just wandering through the tundra of our existence, assigning value to worthlessness, when all that we love and hate, all we believe in and fight for and kill for and die for is as meaningless as images projected onto Plexiglas.”
Blake Crouch, Dark Matter

Walter Scott
“All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education.”
Sir Walter Scott

Mo Willems
“If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave.”
Mo Willems, Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs

Rainbow Rowell
“We're not broken up."
"I know, but we're still broken.”
Rainbow Rowell, Landline

René Char
“I believe in the magic and authority of words.”
René Char

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