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Dragonfly in Amber
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byDiana Gabaldon(Goodreads Author)
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[Changing Planes]...
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“Aging makes you think about philosophy and religion, and whether they have value. It's a framework for morality. [...] The only way we live on at all is through the works we leave behind, but more through example. Example is the see that can be propagated through generations. - Elizabeth Jane Howard”
Ellen Warner, The Second Half: Forty Women Reveal Life After Fifty

Jean Shinoda Bolen
“When we have rigid theories about what makes people the way they are and we project our theories onto patients and clients, insisting that our reality is their reality, we do the same thing their parents did. This is the wounding shadow of authority that says, 'I know what your story is and I know its meaning,' and it robs the person of the opportunity to discover this. This is a risk for anyone in a leadership role.”
Jean Shinoda Bolen, A Clear and Present Danger: Narcissism in the Era of Donald Trump

Austin Kleon
“These are the people I look to for inspiration. The people who found the thing that made them feel alive and who kept themselves alive by doing it. The people who planted their seeds, tended to themselves, and grew into something lasting. I want to be one of them. I want to make octogenarian painter David Hockney’s words my personal motto: “I’ll go on until I fall over.”
Austin Kleon, Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad

Vachel Lindsay
“Never be a cynic, even a gentle one. Never help out a sneer, even at the devil.”
Vachel Lindsay
tags: poet

Viv Albertine
“Skinny as Mum was, she'd always had a good appetite, so when she couldn't eat her roast potatoes I knew the end must be nigh.
[...] We opened our presents and Mum put a polka-dot shower cap on her head and let us take pictures of her in it, which was most unlike her, she liked to be a bit dignified about things. This was another indication that she knew she was dying. Other signs to look out for are when an elderly person starts giving away their things – usually about two or three years before they die – and if they insist, rather aggressively, on returning anything they've borrowed or get annoyed if you give them gifts – they don't want any more clutter.”
Viv Albertine, Clothes, Clothes, Clothes. Music, Music, Music. Boys, Boys, Boys

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Henry E...
34 books | 16 friends

David D...
65 books | 3 friends

244 books | 3 friends

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