Michael Caulder

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Albert Camus
“Your success and happiness are forgiven you only if you generously consent to share them. But to be happy it is essential not to be too concerned with others. Consequently, there is no escape. Happy and judged, or absolved and wretched.”
Albert Camus, The Fall

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
“It's an universal law-- intolerance is the first sign of an inadequate education. An ill-educated person behaves with arrogant impatience, whereas truly profound education breeds humility.”
Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

J. Krishnamurti
“The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.”
J. Krishnamurti

Kahlil Gibran
“I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers.”
Kahlil Gibran

year in books
113 books | 79 friends

Emily C...
1 book | 23 friends

Dana Sh...
10 books | 23 friends

0 books | 155 friends

0 books | 96 friends

12 books | 130 friends

Gordon ...
387 books | 171 friends

Robin B...
0 books | 13 friends

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