paige (ptsungirl)

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paige (ptsungirl) is currently reading
byNora Roberts(Goodreads Author)
Reading for the 2nd time
read in June 2020
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paige (ptsungirl) paige (ptsungirl)said: " “If love isn’t stronger than pride, it isn’t love.” "

"nora my reading slump savior i am so lucky to love you" 13 hours, 10 min ago

The Pairing
paige (ptsungirl) is currently reading
byCasey McQuiston(Goodreads Author)
bookshelves: arcs, currently-reading
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paige (ptsungirl) paige (ptsungirl)said: " HOW ON EARTH DID I GET SO LUCKY TO READ THIS ONE EARLY??? "

"all you had to say was alex claremont-diaz's favorite cmq book and you had me ❤️" Jul 05, 2024 03:22AM

Margaret  Rogerson
“This was one of the things she loved best about books... she could briefly clasp hands with them across eternity, a chance meeting of souls made possible by their shared love of a story.”
Margaret Rogerson, Mysteries of Thorn Manor

Talia Hibbert
“I know you put a lot of stock in the fact that you're better now, that you handle things, that you cope, but coping takes a lot out of a person, too, and handling things doesn't mean never struggling or slipping up.”
Talia Hibbert, Take a Hint, Dani Brown

Jax Calder
“You never fully comprehend the ripple effects of your actions.”
Jax Calder, The Unlikely Heir

Talia Hibbert
“I felt like my world had already ended unhappily, but every book I read about someone who had been through the worst and found happiness anyway seemed to say the opposite. Like my story didn't have to be over if I didn't want it to.”
Talia Hibbert, Take a Hint, Dani Brown

Jax Calder
“Look me in the eye when you're telling me. Not looking me in the eye makes me think you're ashamed. And you should never be ashamed of who you are.”
Jax Calder, The Unlikely Heir

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