Liam Ostermann
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Liam Ostermann

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Liam Ostermann Liam Ostermannsaid: " I have no doubt I would have given this anthology five stars if I had reviewed in 2014 when I first read it, but I didn't and won't until I have a chance to reread this anthology. But, for me, just looking at the authors whose works are excerpted, th ...more "

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See all 7 books that Liam is reading…
Douglas Adams
“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”
Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time

Jamie O'Neill
“I’m just thinking that would be pleasant. To be reading, say, out of a book, and you to come up and touch me – my neck, say, or my knee – and I’d carry on reading, I might let a smile, no more, wouldn’t lose my place on the page. It would be pleasant to come to that. We’d come so close, do you see, that I wouldn’t be surprised out of myself every time you touched.”
Jamie O'Neill, At Swim, Two Boys

Jamie O'Neill
“It was true what Jim said, this wasn’t the end but the beginning. But the wars would end one day and Jim would come then, to the island they would share. One day surely the wars would end, and Jim would come home, if only to lie broken in MacMurrough’s arms, he would come to his island home. And MacMurrough would have it built for him, brick by brick, washed by the rain and the reckless sea. In the living stream they’d swim a season. For maybe it was true that no man is an island: but he believed that two very well might be.”
Jamie O'Neill, At Swim, Two Boys

Daniel Kehlmann
“It was both odd and unjust, a real example of pitiful arbitrariness of existance, that you were born into a particular time & held prisoner there whether you wanted it or not. It gave you an indecent advantage over the past and made you a clown vis-a-vis the future.”
Daniel Kehlmann

Friendship ... is born at the moment when one man says to another What! You
“Friendship... is born at the moment when one man says to another" What! You too? I thought that no one but myself...”
C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves

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