aimee (aimeecanread)’s Reviews > Darkfever > Status Update

aimee (aimeecanread)
aimee (aimeecanread) is reading
Starting this because my awesome co-bloggers atThe Book Geekrecommended it.;)
Jul 12, 2015 10:29PM
Darkfever (Fever, #1)


Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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Ellen Gail I hope you love it! It's quite possibly my favorite series.

aimee (aimeecanread) That's so awesome to hear! So excited to get farther into it.:)

Chantal Fingers crossed you'll like!

message 4: by Say (new) - rated it3stars

Say Love this series....first book was kinda slow for me but second book onwards, love love love!

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

It gets way better later on! Enjoy!

Beatrix The best UF series, imo! <3 Happy reading!:D

Liz* Fashionably Late Hope you like it, Aimee! (:

message 9: by Wendy (new) - rated it5stars

Wendy The only series I have read more than twice and I would happily read again!

aimee (aimeecanread) @Chantal: Ahh, I hope so too! If I don't I blame you guys.:/ Haha, kidding!;)

aimee (aimeecanread) @Say: Well, that's definitely motivation to read faster!

aimee (aimeecanread) @Stephanie: I haven't met the supposed sexy side of him yet, but I am excited.;D

aimee (aimeecanread) @Kat: Awesome! Can't wait.;D

aimee (aimeecanread) @Beatrix: Whoa, that's some awesome praise!:)

aimee (aimeecanread) @Liz: I hope so too! Thanks. ^_^

aimee (aimeecanread) @Wendy: That's awesome!:O

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