Variable Directions Quotes

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Variable Directions: Selected Poetry Variable Directions: Selected Poetry by Dan Pagis
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Variable Directions Quotes Showing 1-2 of 2
“I am as yet
a storm of zero force.
Almost a breath.”
Dan Pagis, Variable Directions: Selected Poetry
“Where to begin?
I don’t even know how to ask.
Too many tongues are mixed in my mouth. But

at the crossing of these winds,
very diligent, I immerse myself
in the laws of heavenly grammar: I am learning
the declensions and ascensions of
If it has been ordained that I pull out of here,
I’ll try to descend rung by rung,
I hold onto each one, carefully –
but there is no end to the ladder, and already
no time. All I can still do is fall into the world”
Dan Pagis, Variable Directions: Selected Poetry