The Sickness Quotes

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The Sickness The Sickness by Alberto Barrera Tyszka
691 ratings, 3.76 average rating, 130 reviews
The Sickness Quotes Showing 1-3 of 3
“That's doubtless what family is for: putting your toothbrushes side by side and using the same toilet paper, discussing whether or not to change the TV channels, finding hair in the plughole of the shower cubicle, not being able to sit for a moment in silence with the other person without asking" What's wrong? ", closing one's eyes peacefully, turning out the light and not feeling afraid, being near.”
Alberto Barrera Tyszka, The Sickness
“Postponing duties, especially when those duties are painful ones, is also a temporary way of surviving.”
Alberto Barrera Tyszka, The Sickness
“Why do we find it so hard to accept that life is pure chance?”
Alberto Barrera Tyszka, The Sickness