Crystal Storm Quotes

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Crystal Storm: Battleground (The Crystal Key Book Series 2) Crystal Storm: Battleground by Alexia D. Miller
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Crystal Storm Quotes Showing 1-5 of 5
“It was here that his father first began to break. If Zane thought about the memory hard enough, if he lost himself in that terrible moment, he was sure he could make out the sound of his father's soul cracking.”
Alexia D. Miller, Crystal Storm: Battleground
“They made their way past the heavy carved doors and his eyes imme-diately examined the room. He surveyed the perfectly preserved books lining the wall furthest from the entry, the dark amaranth desk and chair covered with large stacks of papers and the box of photobooks beside it on the floor. He inspected the glass on the coffee table and could just make out their fat cat Butter slowly making his way towards his feet to demand his daily massage.”
Alexia D. Miller, Crystal Storm: Battleground
“His father often mentioned young and old. He'd said it was to remind himself to put things into perspective. To remember that he was starting to age. His black curly hair, which he passed on, had begun to gray Ironically, his mustache had beaten his hair and beard to it, losing all of its black sheen in favor of silver. Even his eyes seemed a little less blue as the days went on.

Even though he knew his father was aging, in moments like those, as he smiled showing him a photograph of a bright light in the shape of a person, he often thought his father was younger. He could look past the slight wrinkle of his skin and the color of his veins that he couldn't see a year before.”
Alexia D. Miller, Crystal Storm: Battleground
“If that was true, Grace wished she could fix it. Whatever ancient Gods she'd angered she wished to make amends. Whatever her curse, she wanted nothing more than to break it. But Grace had no experience in going against ancient deities or shattering dark magic, and ultimately, she was unconvinced that someone like herself would ever be strong enough to cause a single ripple in the bounds of her own world.”
Alexia D. Miller, Crystal Storm: Battleground
“My goodness. Humans are quite noisy, aren't they?" A voice called as Morgan's eyes were drawn to the large brown circles blinking back at him, floating in midair. "These two also don't seem to have a very good sense of judgement either. So quick to pick a fight rather than showing kindness. Such a shame. What wasted potential." The voice filled the air as the silhouette bobbed into view again. It slowly took on a human-like shape.”
Alexia D. Miller, Crystal Storm: Battleground