The Other 99% Quotes

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The Other 99%: You Can Dare To Lead The Other 99%: You Can Dare To Lead by Debashis Chatterjee
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The Other 99% Quotes Showing 1-6 of 6
“A quiet reflective mind is a wholesome mind. It is an inbound mind. This kind of mind is not only capable of deep contemplation – it is also capable of intense action. The centre of a cyclone is very quiet. It is from this centre that the cyclone attains its power. A revolving fan is still at the tip. It is here that motion is intensified to the point of stillness. A mind that has learnt to slow itself down is indeed a capable mind. For this, our minds need to periodically withdraw from the world of sensations. Like a tortoise withdraws its limbs into its shell – a sane mind goes inwards in search of its quiet centre.”
Debashis Chatterjee, The Other 99%: You Can Dare To Lead
“Vision has a direct link with the creative process. Vision and creation go hand in hand. Vision belongs to the world of the mind. Creation happens in the world of matter. But there is a connection between these two worlds. In fact, one cannot exist without the other.”
Debashis Chatterjee, The Other 99%: You Can Dare To Lead
“Leaders search very deep for their identity. A great identity yields great possibilities in life. A great identity gives greater action choices. A search for our true identity is a kind of talent search within our own selves. There are talents that are latent. They sleep within us as seeds of possibilities. When we discover and nurture these seeds they grow and flower. This flowering is a leader’s true vocation.”
Debashis Chatterjee, The Other 99%: You Can Dare To Lead
“Leaders co-create their reality not just by reflection but by asking the right questions. In the creative process, a question is a quest. Answers are dead ends. An answer is a blind alley through which no further movement of the mind is possible. When leaders live in questions they are able to navigate the complex problems of life and arrive at simple yet profound solutions. Complexities of the life arise because of our normal thinking process is not able to grasp our reality. So we need creativity in thinking. Creativity is a discontinuity in our thinking process. Creativity comes with sustained questioning of our old assumptions about reality.”
Debashis Chatterjee, The Other 99%: You Can Dare To Lead
“Action is much more than random motion of the body and the mind. True action is born of wonder. When our heart, mind and our entire human capacity is invested in what we do, we get to see true action. The deeper the root of our action goes within our being the more spontaneous our action becomes. True action is indeed not random motion – like goods moving unconsciously through an assembly line. Action is the movement of the conscious being towards a larger purpose.”
Debashis Chatterjee, The Other 99%: You Can Dare To Lead
“Human dynamism cannot be manipulated or switched on like that of a machine. It cannot be engineered or programmed. Human beings are created, not constructed – that is why they love to create their own reality. Human action cannot be explained by the laws of thermodynamics or by that of molecular biology. The wellspring of human action comes from the human spirit. The dwelling space of this spirit is our being.”
Debashis Chatterjee, The Other 99%: You Can Dare To Lead