Scenting Hallowed Blood Quotes

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Scenting Hallowed Blood  (The Grigori Trilogy #2) Scenting Hallowed Blood by Storm Constantine
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Scenting Hallowed Blood Quotes Showing 1-30 of 168
“The youth himself seemed to be made of shell; delicate and translucent.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
tags: delmar
“She thinks she has my measure, he thought, but she’s not wholly clear about it.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“Once the ritual of the coronation ended, the Parzupheim seemed far more relaxed. They believed, Daniel realised, that Shemyaza was now wholly theirs; their Messiah, the saviour of the world.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“Soon, the great earth serpent would awake. Tamara knew that when it did, she would be a goddess. She would ride its power. Laughing.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“The sky was dark, the moon occluded by clouds, yet they could see through the spectral twilight as if every rock and grain of sand exuded its own sick light.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“Emma leapt over the wall and with all the strength she possessed, enfolded Aninka in a tight embrace and threw both of them backward with the weight of her body”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“The thought-form behind her was an empty shell, charmed to this fierce shore, while she was strong and free, the channel of potential.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“The spirits could smell Shemyaza’s proximity. They were wild with desire for him, as she was.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“You are a fool! He is not Daniel, and you will never be me!”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“Meggie had probably also noticed, or been informed, of a change in Delmar’s behaviour. Now, he was entirely Tamara’s creature. She had primed him with talk of Shemyaza and subdued his instinctive fears.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
tags: delmar
“Fear not, my lovely. You are still a major part of my design. In the meantime, concentrate on Lily Winter. She should be the focus of your energies at this time.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“Sofia sat down, giving an impression of outward composure, though within she fought the same maelstorm of emotion that showed plainly on Salamiel’s face.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“Azazel has been at High Crag for two days, yet you still have not brought him here to me, where he belongs.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“Tamara, Shemyaza is a god, but he is also a man. Do not be foolish and allow his glamour to bewitch you. It is vital you remain in control. Love him as the Prince of Light, but despise the Adam in him. You, in some respects, are more powerful than he, for you are female. I am relying on you.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“Over their relatively short acquaintance, Tamara had learned the Grigori woman liked to keep secrets, to maintain the balance of power between them.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“He has an important part of play, and I can’t help feeling he is somewhat of a weak link. He is no Daniel Cranton, who’s the Shining One’s vizier, but I’m afraid he’s going to have to assume some of that persona!”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
tags: delmar
“Tamara’s heart clenched in her chest, a desperate muscle.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“His face and body were beginning to stretch and elongate. His eyes had become long and snake-like, glowing with a spectral yellow light. His gaze met Daniel’s eyes across the temple and locked with him. Shem’s lips, which were now bloodless and thin, peeled back from his teeth. He expelled a long, low sibilant hiss, and a ribbon of crimson tongue lashed out. Daniel was sure its burning end flicked against his cheek. He was horrified by what he saw, yet strangely awed. Was the coronation ceremony a means to transform Shemyaza into some hideous serpent king? He glanced around himself quickly to see how the Parzupheim were reacting to this transformation, but no-one save himself seemed to have noticed it.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“Daniel sensed that everyone, except perhaps for himself and Shemyaza, were suffused with a suppressed hysterical frenzy. Even Enniel was behaving oddly. His normally bland expression held a hint of wildness. His hair appeared wantonly dissheveled and all his actions were exaggerated. His colleagues were no different. Daniel would not have been surprised to notice erections pushing out the front of their robes, but as far as he could tell, they were not sexually aroused. Something had been conjured within them, yet despite this, the ritual itself seemed empty and mechanical. In some subtle way, it lacked the essential spark of spiritual feeling that should have united everyone present. Perhaps this was a symptom of what had been discussed at the meeting earlier. Grigori ritual had gone stale.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“Daniel noticed that Sofia glared hungrily at the remains of the fruit as Enniel replaced it on the altar. She looked as if she might rise up, throw herself across the temple, and gorge herself on the sticky fragments.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
tags: sofia
“They were like a horde of greedy cannibals, salivating to sample the divine flesh. Yet the robed, starving light only burned from their eyes while the fruit filled their mouths.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“A residue of last night’s ritual still shimmered around him; he could taste the history of the water as he drank it. Over the rim of the glass, he inspected the Grigori around the table. Beautiful men, like models or actors, but whose eyes burned with cold fire. They are angels, Daniel thought. This is a host of angels.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“They are a stuffy lot, and rather too fond of pomp and circumstance.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“The Parzupheim still looked at him with stern disapproval. To them, he would remain an interloping concubine. Only Sofia smiled.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“Shemyaza’s caress effectively stemmed the argument around them. All eyes turned towards Shem with indignant surprise. There were times and places for dalliances with human dependents, and a meeting of the Parzupheim was not one of them.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“Daniel glanced at Shem, who raised a single, scornful eyebrow. He reached out and touched Daniel’s face, as if they were alone in the room. Daniel could not help but derive a certain amount of satisfaction from the gesture.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“I am Shemyaza’s vizier, his adviser. The age of this body has little to do with the maturity of my soul, or the fact that once I lived in Grigori flesh.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“I see a boy. Ah, he is beautiful, and he has the way of wyrd within him.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
“Show us the face of the oracle, he who must be ours.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood
tags: betsy
“The dark surface of the mirror seemed to be the portal to a bottomless void. The suggestion of faint, distant stars spun in its depths.”
Storm Constantine, Scenting Hallowed Blood

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