The Book of the Book Quotes

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The Book of the Book The Book of the Book by Idries Shah
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The Book of the Book Quotes Showing 1-6 of 6
“When you realise the difference between the container and the content, you will have knowledge.”
Idries Shah, The Book of the Book
“Contrary to Expectation. A wise man, the wonder of his age, taught his disciples from a seemingly inexhaustible store of wisdom. He attributed all his knowledge to a thick tome which was kept in a place of honour in his room. The sage would allow nobody to open the volume. When he died, those who had surrounded him, regarding themselves as his heirs, ran to open the book, anxious to possess what it contained. They were surprised, confused and disappointed when they found that there was writing on only one page. They became even more bewildered and then annoyed when they tried to penetrate the meaning of the phrase which met their eyes. It was: 'When you realise the difference between the container and the content, you will have knowledge.”
Idries Shah, The Book of the Book
“When you realise the difference between the container and the content, you will have knowledge”
Idries Shah, The Book of the Book
“Contrario a la expectativa. Un hombre sabio, la maravilla de su época, le enseñaba a sus discípulos a través de lo que parecía ser una inagotable fuente de sabiduría. Él atribuía todo su conocimiento a un grueso tomo que estaba guardado en un lugar privilegiado de su habitación. El sabio no le permitía a nadie abrir el volumen. Cuando murió, aquellos que siempre lo habían seguido, considerándose como sus herederos y ansiosos por poseer lo que contenía, corrieron tras el libro para abrirlo. Quedaron sorprendidos, confundidos y decepcionados cuando hallaron que lo escrito ocupaba apenas una hoja. Quedaron aún más desconcertados y luego irritados cuando intentaron penetrar en el significado de la frase que sus ojos habían encontrado. Era: “Cuando te des cuenta de la diferencia entre el contenedor y el contenido, tendrás el conocimiento.”
Idries Shah, The Book of the Book
“Cuando te des cuenta de la diferencia entre el contenedor y el contenido, tendrás conocimiento.”
Idries Shah, The Book of the Book
“Cuando te des cuenta de la diferencia entre el contenedor y el contenido, tendrás el conocimiento.”
Idries Shah, The Book of the Book