Forgotten Quotes

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Forgotten Forgotten by Catherine McKenzie
6,037 ratings, 3.65 average rating, 662 reviews
Forgotten Quotes Showing 1-6 of 6
“I stare off into space for a minute." I just wish my life would go back to the way it was. "
"Because I was happy then. Things weren't perfect, but still, I knew where I fit. I knew where I was going."
"And you don't feel that way anymore?"
"No. I feel kind of...lost in the middle of my own life, if that makes any sense.”
Catherine McKenzie, Forgotten
“It seemed like almost nothing had happened, but that almost nothing changed everything for me.”
Catherine McKenzie, Forgotten
“Is there a panic button I can hit? Or better yet, a button that will pause this whole scene while I figure out how I want to play it?
But no. That's not how it works in real life.”
Catherine McKenzie, Forgotten
“His mouth tastes like Scotch, and feels familiar, like somewhere I've been before.”
Catherine McKenzie, Forgotten
“A pod in the Matrix is looking pretty good right now.”
Catherine McKenzie, Forgotten
“Life doesn’t wait. You have to make it happen. You have to live it while it’s happening around you. Life moves on.”
Catherine McKenzie, Forgotten