Sheer Bandages Quotes

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Sheer Bandages: A Fragile Offering: A person should not bury a talent-no matter how small. Sheer Bandages: A Fragile Offering: A person should not bury a talent-no matter how small. by Theresa Rough PhD
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Sheer Bandages Quotes Showing 1-6 of 6
“God's Word
like a paper cut -
you know when you get it.”
Theresa Rough PhD, Sheer Bandages: A Fragile Offering: A person should not bury a talent-no matter how small.
“The Dais

The moon hung
Like a silver metal
On a shadow

It is the sun
Who bows His head
To receive the gold

And the bronze
Goes to mankind

Plowshares turned
To spearheads

The dusty
Pulpit of man”
Theresa Rough PhD, Sheer Bandages: A Fragile Offering: A person should not bury a talent-no matter how small.
“i have no alms for God - He gives alms
to me - a pauper looking to her Master's
hand - i am well aware of charity”
Theresa Rough PhD, Sheer Bandages: A Fragile Offering: A person should not bury a talent-no matter how small.
“Transcending Time

As an infant
The waves
Do rock me

As a young woman
The waves
Do hit me

As an old woman
The waves
Do move me...

And when i am
i ride them”
Theresa Rough PhD, Sheer Bandages: A Fragile Offering: A person should not bury a talent-no matter how small.
“The Dance

there is a cloak of sorrow
wrapped about my heart
oh God, where is the dance?
and in the stillness
comes the slow dance
Christ makes my heart
His ballroom”
Theresa Rough PhD, Sheer Bandages: A Fragile Offering: A person should not bury a talent-no matter how small.

a little seed sprouts - and
a little ant goes about his
neither are afraid of failure
but confidently fling
their stones at Goliath”
Theresa Rough PhD, Sheer Bandages: A Fragile Offering: A person should not bury a talent-no matter how small.