On Dublin Street Quotes

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On Dublin Street (On Dublin Street, #1) On Dublin Street by Samantha Young
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On Dublin Street Quotes Showing 61-90 of 138
“In truth it’s difficult to describe a broken heart. All I know is that unimaginable pain centers in your chest and radiates out, this throbbing, sharp ache that causes almost incapacitation. But there’s more than the ache. Denial lodges itself in your throat, and that lump is its own kind of pain. The affliction of heartbreak can also be found in a knot in your stomach. The knot contracts and expands, contracts and expands, until you’re pretty sure you’re not going to be able to hold down the vomit.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“I hadn't felt too awful lying to Braden since his three-sixty back into predatory hottie with wicked eyes and fuck-me smile was the sole reason I'd had to resort to lying in the first place.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“Once the rain starts falling it's hard to tell it to stop...”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“I settled back on the bed with my own heavy sigh." The point of this reluctant outpouring of all my crap isn't to make you feel guilty. I don't need anyone to be concerned for me. That's my point. Will that change one day? I don't know. I'm not asking it to. But Rhian, when you trusted James with all you baggage you decided that day that you were asking someone to be concerned. You were tired of being alone. Will staying with him be hard? Yes. Will fighting your fears every day be difficult? Yes. But how he feels for you... jeez, Rhian... that's worth it. And telling yourself that it's okay to run way from him to be alone just because I'm alone and okay with it, is bullshit. I'm alone because I just am. You're alone because you made a choice. And it's the wrong fucking choice.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“Fuckity... Shit... Fuck!”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“In public, you’re Joss Butler. Cool, self-possessed. In bed, you’re Jocelyn Butler—you’re hot, babe. Uncontrolled. Needy. Sweet,” he breathed. “I like that I know that. I don’t like the fact that other men do too.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“Sometimes words aren't needed for you to know a change has come upon you.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“Regret, Joss. Regret does awful things to a person.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“When I heard the apartment door open everything felt lethargic, like we were moving underwater, struggling slowly against the weight. The sitting room door opened and Braden walked in, his face so pale and eyes so glazed, that I knew before I even looked at tear-streaked Ellie. I knew what fear felt like when it was pulsing from a person, I knew how grief could thicken the air, how it could slam into your chest and cause pain through your whole body. Your eyes, your head, your arms, your legs, even your gums.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“Oh so i was right last night then. Unlike me, she has your love.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“I can reprint it. And... I was thinking about staying in Virginia permanently after Ellie is back on her feet."
The remorse fled quickly. "Over my dead body."
"Yeah, I thought you'd say that.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“For once, I wished I wasn't so broken, so Rhian had a best friend who was strong and not afraid to love, to hold up as an example of what was possible. Instead, I was her excuse that she wasn't being irrational. I was her enabler.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“Okay, so I want to talk about it. Dammit, how can you be so good at the whole keeping things to yourself thing? It's really hard.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“I turned to face him, knowing in him, I'd find the temporary cure." Do you want to fuck it out? "
Braden smiled slowly, bemused, causing another twist of attraction in my gut. "Fuck it out?"
"All the bullshit. What she did. What he did. Every soulless bitch that wanted something from you"
His expression changed immediately, becoming hard, unfathomable, as he took a step towards me. "Are you saying you don't want anything from me?"
"I want this. I want our arrangement. I want you..." I sucked in a breath, feeling my control slip. "... to fuck it out of me.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“I've got a cab waiting so we sh-" he stopped speaking as he entered the
sitting room, his eyes frozen on me.

Ellie giggled.

I squinted an eye at him. "Is that a good fuck?"

He grinned. "Well you're that too, babe.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“I had a really good family, Braden," I told him softly, pain I'd been hiding for too long threaded in every word.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“why don't I give you a preview of what I intend to do in order to wake you up.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“This is what you got when you let people in. They started to think they knew you when they didn’t know shit.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“We've only got three months. There's no time for space.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“He looked incredulous, throwing his hands up in disbelief." You snuck out of my flat like I was some drunken lay you were ashamed of. "

He couldn't have been more wrong. I crossed my arms over my chest, a protective measure, as I shook my head and refused to meet his gaze.

"You want to disabuse me of that notion and tell me exactly why I got out of the shower this morning to find you'd buggered off?”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“Did you just call me a numpty?"

"Yup. A delusional one."

"What, may I ask, is a numpty?"

"A person demonstrating a lack of knowledge of a situation; a silly person; an idiot; a dumbass. A delusional numpty: Joss Butler’s stupid, idiotic, blind misconception of the true nature of her relationship with my brother, Braden Carmichael." She glowered at me, but it was an Ellie glower so it didn't really count.

I nodded my head. "Numpty. Good word."

She threw a cushion at me.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“She gave me a lopsided quirk of a smile." Joss, "her voice hoarse, barely audible.
I wanted to run. I know. That's horrible. But I wanted to run away from this part. People ending up in hospital had never concluded well in my life, and seeing her there, so vulnerable, so exhausted, just reminded me of how close we might have come to losing her.
I felt a hand squeeze mine and I turned my head to see Hannah watching me. She looked as pale as I felt, and her fingers were trembling between mine. She was scared too. I smiled reassuringly at her, hoping I was pulling it off. "Ellie is okay. Come on." I tugged on her hand and pulled her with me to Ellie's bed side.
I reached out for the hand Ellie had held out for her mom, and I slid mine into it, feeling relief and love as she gave me a gentle squeeze.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“Braden did not look amused." Not even twenty our hours in and this arrangement is already exhausting the fuck out of me. "

"Well you've given me four orgasms. That oughta take it out of a guy.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“Esto es lo que consigues cuando dejas entrar a la gente. Empiezan a pensar que te conocen cuando no saben una mierda.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“Ya era malo que me hubiese visto desnuda físicamente. No necesitaba que me desnudara hasta el alma.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“Without the weight, there was no rain”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“If we could only go back and knock some sense into those kids we once were.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“Despite my tendency to keep eighty percent of myself to myself, I liked being surrounded by people.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“Sex and holidays."

"Uh, what?"

"I'm making a list of things that make you agreeable."

I scoffed, pushing my foot into his leg. "And all you got is sex and vacations?"

"The length of the list is not my fault."

"Are you saying I'm disagreeable?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Woman, how stupid do you think I am? You really think I'm answering that? I want to get laid tonight."

I pushed him harder. "Watch it, or you might get laid to rest."

Braden threw his head back and laughed.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street
“¿Por qué él tenía que ser la versión humana de un arma nuclear cargada de sexualidad?”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street