Metro Quotes

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Metro Metro by Steen Langstrup
84 ratings, 3.12 average rating, 11 reviews
Metro Quotes Showing 1-6 of 6
“My doppelganger wraps the ear in a handkerchief and shoves it into his pocket as he leaves the train with a nod of his head in my direction.”

William Wilson in the short story 'Metro' by Steen Langstrup”
Steen Langstrup, Metro
“I turn off my cell phone and reluctantly slide it down my pocket. My hands are shaking. A large knife appears in his hand.”

William Wilson in the short story 'Metro' by Steen Langstrup”
Steen Langstrup, Metro
“The man is well inside the train before the dreadful truth occurs to me. He is the man from the newspaper. The rapist. My doppelganger. My mirrored doppelganger.”

William Wilson in the short story 'Metro' by Steen Langstrup.”
Steen Langstrup, Metro
“It’s a case of mistaken identity. It’s one big mistake. You weren’t even in the country when it happened.”

Maja in the short story 'Metro' by Steen Langstrup”
Steen Langstrup, Metro
“This is Denmark. We are Danes. We keep our distance. We do not pick a seat close to strangers if other seats are available. We do not talk to strangers in the trains.”

William Wilson in the short story 'Metro' by Steen Langstrup”
Steen Langstrup, Metro
“Why didn’t you call me at… Sorry, I have no idea where I’ve been. Berlin? Was it Berlin today?”

William Wilson in the short story 'Metro' by Steen Langstrup”
Steen Langstrup, Metro