Jarring Sex Quotes

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Jarring Sex Jarring Sex by Valentine Glass
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Jarring Sex Quotes Showing 1-30 of 41
“I affirmed that fucking men years before did not make me less of a lesbian now, but she always remained a fraction dubious.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“I guessed queer women could smell my brokenness over the internet. Men only saw my high cheekbones, oval face, and the suggestion my body would not resemble that of a rhinoceros.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“Apologies are banned from this household. We are sorry for nothing. We are bold explorers, sexual anarchists.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“My students' families did not allow them to be children a second longer than necessary, and not when they were supposed to be getting educated on their parents' considerable hordes of dimes. Public school teens could wander through their empty hours to find passions. My children were not teenagers but burgeoning scions with corner offices awaiting them.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“That we did not have several unplanned pregnancies a year was a testament more to God's grace than effective family planning.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“He had shown himself to be homophobic, transphobic, and, I could hazard a guess, misogynistic if he felt my body was a commodity I spent in receiving pleasure with someone I loved.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“I called every therapist my insurance claimed was accepting clients, most of whom were not—a few specialized only in children. One told me she only spoke to dying people and did not think it clever to retort we were all terminal cases.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“Makeup was always a dicey topic in the lesbian community, where any trace of femininity could be a betrayal of dykiness.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“I accepted the edict I was in control of my body and didn't have to adhere to societal beauty standards. I happened to like the feeling of shaved legs under fresh sheets.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“You can be a Pyrite Star and get toxic when you get hot.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“I'd want someone to talk me out of it. No cock is worth this, trust me. I've sat on a few that made my life hell.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“My toys [...] were ribbed, corkscrew, glittering, but never quite phallic or close to human flesh tone until now. My mind and heart belonged only to women, but it would be obstinate to pretend evolution had not designed my kitty for a firm prick.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“Men had more threatened than offered to fuck my ass. My retort had always been that they could try, but I had to do it to them first, which defused the situation. Men tended to take this as a profound insult to their masculinity, as though they would become mincing the minute my strap-on hit their prostate.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“My mother was never comfortable with the idea I was a sexual being, even before I made explicit this sexuality involved being facedown between a woman's legs.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“The world froze, every second stretching to contain my trepidation. In these miniature eternities, I sought to find any way he was not saying what I could no longer deny he was. Their expressions slowed as in the moment before some epic disaster, blooming in fractions.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“I would meet someone, and the risk of hesitation would outweigh what it would take to try to love her.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“Her pouting lips pressed into mine—the sour of beer on them, her still wet hands knit into my hair—gave me no option. I did not want one. I had offered others my submission—or the pretense of it—but she demanded my surrender.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“Josh stepped back like I had pulled the pin from a hand grenade. Emotionally, hadn't I? Our friendship was shrapnel-flecked.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“I'm letting myself unapologetically be a mess.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“I cannot reenact my trauma and think it will make me hurt less. I can’t bleed on people who didn’t cut me.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“Your job is to let me be a mess, keep me from deciding I'm not, urging me against getting my messiness over others.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“When we fucked—and we would—I would not allow him to gently have me while Orinoco Flow played softly in the background. (I may have exaggerated the throw-pillows-and-rose-petals of his relationships, but not to the point of improbability.)”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“To me, loving women exclusively was the only logical narrowing of my sexuality. I could get shivers holding the right woman's hand in the light rain [...] Beneath a guy, the tingles barely grazed me, his pubic bone never figuring out it could press against my clit.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“.As a kid, I wore toilet paper veils and practiced walking down the aisle. I dreamed of my first dance and picked a new song every few years. I had a scrapbook of wedding themes down to the cake decorations. When I had tried to share this with Fiona after she proposed, she laughed at me, saying the patriarchy poisoned me.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“Sex with him would shatter her because she didn’t have the experience to know better how to modulate and assert her needs and preferences.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“A cock is organic, living, and pulsing. A cock, more often than one would hope, disappointed, but there was life behind it. A cock could feel you back.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“In part, sucking cock is muscle memory. When a girl has her head pushed down for the first time, she starts to learn to tease a blowjob out for delicious minutes for a man she adores or get it over with as quickly as she can for a man who had pressured her.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“I fell into a rhythm, and his animus melted with the pleasure I granted. He ceased his threat and became a man enjoying having his cock sucked by someone who knew what she was doing.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“Josh had healed them from their tragedies, but you didn't fall in love with a first aid kit.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex
“We could heal one another in a way that would undoubtedly baffle him: via intense, kinky sex. I suspected all his reading of fourth-wave feminist theory had neglected to hammer this into him as he would soon be hammering into me.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex

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