Julie Quotes

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Julie Julie by Catherine Marshall
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Julie Quotes Showing 1-9 of 9
“By jiminy, we do own the only newspaper in town. There must be some way we can use it to do some good there." - Mr. Wallace”
Catherine Marshall, Julie
“There’s fire in you, Julie. I can see you out there in the street, carrying a banner for all the underprivileged people of the world.”
Catherine Marshall, Julie
“Dean's eyes were studying me." You have a way with words. What kind of writing do you want to do? "
"Articles for Dad's paper, to start."
"What do you want to write about?"
I paused, suddenly uncertain about how much to share. Dean's eyes were reassuring.
"When I know more, I'd like to write about deeper things.”
Catherine Marshall, Julie
“In my journal I logged this comment:" On the day that I was officially a grown woman, I felt anything but feminine rather, befouled from the sweat of hard physical labor and the stinking mud. I wanted nothing so much as to sleep for a week.”
Catherine Marshall, Julie
“The lake is lovely," I commented, "And so big. I still find it hard to believe it's artificial."
"Oh, it's artificial, all right. Dive deep and you may bash your head on tree stumps.”
Catherine Marshall, Julie
“I'm all for Spencer. He's sincere, idealistic, and a good preacher. I just don't believe that social action is the main business of the Church."
"Then what is?"
Catherine Marshall, Julie
“His theology is mostly focused on helping people with their physical needs. All that's important, of course, but he'll hit a dry spell someday and need something more than social causes to keep him going."...
"if you're serious about writing on the deeper life, you simply cannot ignore the centrality of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.”
Catherine Marshall, Julie
“Proofs of the week's paper were spread out on what I grandly called my desk. This was a rickety wooden table against the side wall outside the Editor's office.”
Catherine Marshall, Julie
“For years I lived in inner terror that I was, at heart, a weak and indecisive man. I think it was this fear that made me sick. Dean showed me how foolish all this was. 'Face the truth, Ken,' he told me. 'You are weak. All of us are. Come to terms with it.'
"But then he pointed out I didn't have to stay this way, that God was certainly not weak. Dean has helped me understand that if I have the Spirit of God within me, then His strength would replace my weakness...”
Catherine Marshall, Julie