Lord of Misrule Quotes

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Lord of Misrule (The Morganville Vampires, #5) Lord of Misrule by Rachel Caine
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Lord of Misrule Quotes Showing 1-30 of 41
“Claire stretched out against the wall and kissed it." Glad to see you, too, "she whispered, and pressed her cheek against the smooth surface. It almost felt like it hugged her back.
"Dude, it's ahouse,"Shane said from behind her." Hug somebody who cares.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“Better be," Eve said. She mock-bit at his finger. "I could totally date somebody else, you know."
"And I could rent out your room."
"And I could put your game console on eBay."
"Hey," Shane protested. "Now you're just being mean.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“No, not you two. Stay here.'
'Does he just not get how unfair and sexist that is?' Eve asked. 'Men.'
'You really want to go first?'
'Of course no. But I'd like the chance torefuseto go first.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“What about Myrnin?'
Eve swallowed, almost choked, and Michael patted her kindly on the back. She beamed at him. 'Myrnin? Oh yeah. He did a Batman and took off into the night. What iswiththat guy, Claire? If he was a superhero, he'd be Bipolar Man.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“Hannah leaned against the wall. 'Mind if I call shotgun?'

'Since you're carrying one? Feel free.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“That's it? That's your big goodbye?" Eve asked.
Claire looked at Eve mystified. "I think I need guy CliffNotes."
"Guys aren't deep enough to need CliffNotes."
"What were you waiting for, flowery poetry?" Shane snorted. "I hugged. I'm done.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“The door banged open, and Eve rushed out, flushed and mussed and still buttoning her shirt. 'It's not what you think,' she said. 'It was just—oh, okay, whatever, it was exactly what you think. Now,what?”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“In this whole screwed-up town, you're the only thing that's always been right to me," he whispered. "I love you, Claire." She saw something that might have been just a flash of panic go across his expression, but then he steadied again. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I do. I love you.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“I'll do it!"
"No, you won't," Shane and Michael said, at virtually the same time. Shane continued. "You're barely on your feet, Claire. You don't go anywhere, not without me."
"And me," Michael said.
"Hell," Eve sighed. "I guess that means I have to go, too. Which I may not ever forgive you for, even if I don't die horribly.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“Faster!" Shane yelled. Eve hit the gas hard, and whipped around a slower-moving van. The firing ceased, at least for now. "You see why I didn't want you to stop?"
"Okay, your father is officiallyoff my Christmas list!"Eve yelled." Oh my God, look at my car!”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“Did he just say--?"
"Yes," Claire said, smiling. "Yes, he did."
"Whoa. Guess I'd better stay alive, then.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“Silence, and then Eve said," Okay, that was extra creepy, with whipped creepy topping. And this is me, changing my mind.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“You want to go play with your new friends back there? The really pale ones with the taste for plasma? --Shane”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“Rambo was a Green Beret," Hannah said. "Please. We eat those army boys for breakfast.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“Yeah, I know. Terror Aerobics. Just wait until they get it at the gym. It'll be bigge than pilates. --Eve”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“Shane talking to Claire -

"In this whole screwed up town, you're the only thing that's always been right to me," He whispered. "I love you, Claire”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“She was poison in a pretty bottle.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“Sometime, somewhere, life always comes to a fight, and peace always comes to an end.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“Where are you going?” “To get a Coke!” “Would you—” “No!”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“In this whole screwed up town, you're the only thing that's always been right to me," He whispered. "I love you, Claire" said Shane.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“The world doesn't end, Claire. In the morning, the survivors start to build again. It's way of things. The human way.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“And without forgiveness, there is never any peace.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“He's named you heir apparent to the Apocalypse. Congratulations.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“In this whole screwed-up town, you're the only thing that's always been right to me".. "i love you, Claire".. "I can't believe i'm saying this, but i do. I love you" -Shane Collins”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“When I want to know your opinion, I'll consult your entrails.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“I know you want me to feel some sympathy for them, but that's not who I am. I care only about those I know, and even then, not all that deeply. Strangers get nothing from me.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“You okay?” Eve asked her. Claire nodded, still gasping. “Yeah, I know. Terror Aerobics. Just wait until they get it at the gym. It’ll be bigger than Pilates.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“Guys aren't deep enough to need CliffsNotes.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“You stole my paranoia," she said. "I was going to say, 'Don't go.' But you're going to no matter what I say, aren't you?”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule
“God is forgiving or we would not still be walking this world. But to be moral is not to need his divine forgiveness, I think.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule

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