The Wild Orchid Quotes

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The Wild Orchid: A Retelling of The Ballad of Mulan The Wild Orchid: A Retelling of The Ballad of Mulan by Cameron Dokey
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The Wild Orchid Quotes Showing 1-9 of 9
“I had to cease to mourn what could never be and make the most of what was possible. And I would begin doing that by trying to mend the hurts of the past.”
Cameron Dokey, The Wild Orchid: A Retelling of The Ballad of Mulan
“I have not led an ordinary life, nor a life that would suit everyone. I took great risks, but because I did, I also earned great reward. I found the way to show my true face freely, without fear. Because of this, I found true love.”
Cameron Dokey, The Wild Orchid: A Retelling of The Ballad of Mulan
“You must never call your enemy by a name you choose for him." “Instead you must call him by the name he calls himself. What he chooses will reflect his pride; it will reveal his desires. But what you choose to call him will reveal your fears, which should be kept to yourself, lest your enemy find the way to exploit them.”
Cameron Dokey, The Wild Orchid: A Retelling of The Ballad of Mulan
“All of us show many faces to the world. No one shows her true face all of the time. To do that would be dangerous, for what is seen can also be known.”
Cameron Dokey, The Wild Orchid: A Retelling of The Ballad of Mulan
“Acting with discipline requires you to know your true nature and, having come to know it, to bring it under control.”
Cameron Dokey, The Wild Orchid: A Retelling of The Ballad of Mulan
“In the weeks since I had made the decision to leave my father's house, I had grown up. And I had learned that not every battle can be fought by firing an arrow from a bow. But I would have to face whatever new challenges came my way as bravely as I had faced the Huns. I could not wallow in self-pity, thinking about what might have been. I had to do my duty. It was the only way to stay true to myself.”
Cameron Dokey, The Wild Orchid: A Retelling of The Ballad of Mulan
“All of us show many faces to the world. No one shows her true face all the time. To do that would be dangerous, for what is seen can also be known. And what is known can be outmaneuvered, outguessed. Lifted up, or hunted down.”
Cameron Dokey, The Wild Orchid: A Retelling of The Ballad of Mulan
“i had to cease to mourn what could never be & learn to make the most of what was possible. & i would begin by trying to mend the hurts of the past”
Cameron Dokey, The Wild Orchid: A Retelling of The Ballad of Mulan
“When someone refuses to speak, those around him are left to imagine what his thoughts might be, and all too often the possibilities conjured up are not pleasant ones...Sometimes, no matter how much you wish to proclaim them, it is better to keep your thoughts to yourself. Speaking out when someone else is silent puts the speaker at a disadvantage.”
Cameron Dokey, The Wild Orchid: A Retelling of The Ballad of Mulan