The Raven Quotes

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The Raven (The Florentine, #1) The Raven by Sylvain Reynard
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The Raven Quotes Showing 1-30 of 31
“Beauty is vain. It appears and, like the wind, it's gone. Remember that.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“I didn't know what darkness was until I lost you.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“If he’s foolish enough to think beauty is in the skin and not the heart, then I hope he dies quickly and rids the world of his stupidity.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“A bird in a cage is never as beautiful as a bird that is free [...].”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“You are my greatest virtue and my deepest vice.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“I am the darkness made visible.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“I am about to bring you into the underworld, Persephone. Can you be brave?”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“[...] I think no one—human or otherwise—is perfect. If perfection is the standard for normalcy, we all fail.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“Oh, Psyche. “‘Fortune doth menace unto thee imminent danger, wherof I wish thee greatly to beware.... thou shalt purchase to mee great sorrow, and to thyself utter destruction.... Beware that ye covet not... to see the shape of my person, lest by your curiosity you deprive your selfe of so great and worthy estate.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“He Looked down at her gravely." In many ways, we are the most perfect match. We see each other as we are, but neither of us views the other as broken.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“Beauty is vain. It appears and like the wind, it's gone”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“Noah released the raven and the raven returned. If I were
able to hope, I’d hope you would return to me.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“In other words, Botticelli's ideal women look like women and not boys. They're soft and curvaceous. Healthy and rounded. Women of the size figured in this painting were considered beautiful for centuries, if not millennia. They were the aesthetic ideal during my lifetime and long after."

He brought his mouth to her neck before whispering, "My ideal hasn't changed.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“You are the only ray of hope I’ve seen since 1274. You’re the only one who has caused my heart to beat again.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“I didn’t know what darkness was until I lost you”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“Beauty is vain. It appears and, like the wind, it's gone”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“If I lose you, I lose everything. You are the only goodness in my world.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“Without guilt or remorse, shame was an empty emotion. Indeed, shame would not be shame.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“He’s Zephyr, hovering in the shadows. He took pity on Psyche and helped her and then he disappeared.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“Noah released the raven and the raven returned. If I were able to hope, I’d hope you would return to me. Good night, Cassita.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“Cassita vulneratus. Raven awoke with a start.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“I am the monster, hiding in the darkness, the intruder had whispered.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“love isn’t secretive or one-sided.” “It isn’t,” he said fiercely. “Then tell me.” He kissed her forehead. “Je t’aim.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“I’m afraid that trouble is not what you do. Trouble is what you are.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“Ignorance,” he rejoined, sounding cross. “You modern people live in your own version of the Dark Ages, dismissing anything you can’t understand. If the relic didn’t stop him, what the hell did?”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“You are my greatest virtue and my deepest vice.” He leaned forward and pressed their lips together.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“Evil flourished when good people walk by and said nothing”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“No one deserves mercy. Not deserving it is what makes it mercy.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“Forgive me.” He cupped her cheek. “I came to you tonight because I couldn’t allow the light of my life to be extinguished without seeing you one last time.” “Then”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven
“I think no one—human or otherwise—is perfect. If perfection is the standard for normalcy, we all fail.”
Sylvain Reynard, The Raven

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