The Lizard Laughed Quotes

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The Lizard Laughed The Lizard Laughed by Noah Van Sciver
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The Lizard Laughed Quotes Showing 1-5 of 5
“You're a grown man now, Nathan. I'm sorry for any problems you have, but part of being an adult is to stop blaming your parents for whatever shortcomings you have. That's pretty basic.”
Noah Van Sciver, The Lizard Laughed
“And that's the thing, right? At a certain point, there is no escape. There is no starting over. Do you want to die alone or is it better to have someone there? Even if it's not some ideal romantic situation, it's preferable to being alone!

Real love doesn't happen to everyone. It's luck! I've never had it. And I guess I never will.”
Noah Van Sciver, The Lizard Laughed
“If you're really, really lucky you'll meet somebody that you feel at home with. And if that feeling never goes away, if the two of you are truly helpful and beneficial to each other, then you should get married. Maybe. At least for tax purposes.”
Noah Van Sciver, The Lizard Laughed
“Marriage is difficult. It's not something to just jump into. I've never understood women. I've always thought that I needed one. To be a real complete man, you know? And because of that I've really suffered. I jumped into both of my marriages.”
Noah Van Sciver, The Lizard Laughed
“I am sorry that I was never there for you, you know? Weak men can become fathers too.”
Noah Van Sciver, The Lizard Laughed