Origin Quotes

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Origin (Robert Langdon, #5) Origin by Dan Brown
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Origin Quotes Showing 181-210 of 516
“space between the two faces. Now Langdon stood outside”
Dan Brown, Origin
“What is our origin? What is our destiny?”
Dan Brown, Origin
“It is a messy process for a culture to abandon its dieties. Sprititual beliefs are etched deeply on our psyches at a young age by those we love and trust most --- our parents, our teachers, our religious leaders. Therefore, any religious shifts occur over generations, and not without great angst, and often bloodshed. - Robert Langdon”
Dan Brown, Origin
“The term ‘atheist,’ ” Kirsch continued, “should not even exist. No one ever needs to identify himself as a ‘nonastrologer’ or a ‘nonalchemist.’ We do not have words for people who doubt that Elvis is still alive, or for people who doubt that aliens traverse the galaxy only to molest cattle. Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make in the presence of unjustified religious beliefs.”
Dan Brown, Origin
“Even for those who wield great power, life is brief. There is only one way to triumph over death, and that is by making our lives masterpieces. We must seize every opportunity to show kindness and to love fully.”
Dan Brown, Origin
“We evolved from apes and we’re going extinct.”
Dan Brown, Origin
“the human brain is a binary system—synapses either fire or they don’t—they are on or off, like a computer switch. The brain has over a hundred trillion switches, which means that building a brain is not so much a question of technology as it is a question of scale.”
Dan Brown, Origin
“that tyranny and oppression are no match for compassion… that the fanatical shouts of the bullies of the world are invariably silenced by the unified voices of decency that rise up to meet them.”
Dan Brown, Origin
“Speaking of glimpsing a hidden truth,” Langdon said, looking suddenly amused. “You’re in luck. There’s a secret symbol hiding right over there.” He pointed. “On the side of that truck.” Ambra glanced up and saw a FedEx truck idling at a red light on Avenue of Pedralbes. Secret symbol? All Ambra could see was the company’s ubiquitous logo. “Their name is coded,” Langdon told her. “It contains a second level of meaning—a hidden symbol that reflects the company’s forward motion.”
Dan Brown, Origin
Dan Brown, Origin
“It’s called Head On,” Winston offered, unprompted. “Ninety-nine wolves racing blindly into a wall to symbolize a herd mentality, a lack of courage in diverging from the norm.”
Dan Brown, Origin
“When we forgive evil in the world, we are giving evil permission to grow and spread.”
Dan Brown, Origin
“humans believed that the earth was flat and ships venturing across the seas risked sailing off the edge. However, when we proved that the earth was round, the flat-earth advocates were eventually silenced. Creationists are today’s flat-earth advocates, and I would be shocked if anyone still believes in Creationism a hundred years from now.”
Dan Brown, Origin
“Spiritual inquiry has always been the realm of religion, which encourages us to have a blind faith in its teachings, even when they make little logical sense. - Edmond Kirsch”
Dan Brown, Origin
“brilliantly posing David in an effeminate contrapposto, his limp wrist casually holding a flaccid slingshot, conveying a feminine vulnerability. And yet David’s eyes radiate a lethal determination, his tendons and veins bulging in anticipation of killing Goliath. The work is simultaneously delicate and deadly.” Langdon was impressed with the description and wished his own students had as clear an understanding of Michelangelo’s masterpiece.”
Dan Brown, Origin
“Science is the antithesis of faith,” Kirsch continued. “Science, by definition, is the attempt to find physical proof for that which is unknown or not yet defined, and to reject superstition and misperception in favor of observable facts. When science offers an answer, that answer is universal. Humans do not go to war over it; they rally around it.”
Dan Brown, Origin
“O amor pertence a outro reino. Não o podemos fabricar a pedido. Nem o podemos subjugar quando aparece. O amor não é uma escolha nossa.”
Dan Brown, Origin
“I don’t care if he’s the prince,” she fired back.”
Dan Brown, Origin
“But faith by its very definition, requires placing your trust in something that unseeable and indefinable, accepting something of which there exists no empirical evidence. And so, understandably, we all end up placing our faith in different things because if there is no universal truth. - Edmond Kirsch”
Dan Brown, Origin
“there is only one way Christianity will survive the coming age of science. We must stop rejecting the discoveries of science. We must stop denouncing provable facts. We must become a spiritual partner of science, using our vast experience—”
Dan Brown, Origin
“But uncertainty is always a precursor to sweeping change; transformation is always preceded by upheaval and fear. I urge you to place your faith in the human capacity for creativity and love, because these two forces, when combined, possess the power to illuminate any darkness.”
Dan Brown, Origin
“For every lunacy, there is an equal and opposite lunacy.’ ”
Dan Brown, Origin
“many of the stars bearing names beside them: Vega, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Algebar, Deneb, Acrab, Kitalpha. “Their names are all derived from Arabic,” Edmond said. “To this day, more than two-thirds of the stars in the sky have names from that language because they were discovered by astronomers in the Arab world.”
Dan Brown, Origin
“history has proven repeatedly that lunatics will rise to power again and again on tidal waves of aggressive nationalism and intolerance, even in places where it seems utterly incomprehensible”
Dan Brown, Origin
“that tyranny and oppression are no match for compassion…that the fanatical shouts of the bullies of the world are invariably silenced by the unified voices of decency that rise up to meet them.”
Dan Brown, Origin
“lunatics will rise to power again and again on tidal waves of aggressive nationalism and intolerance, even in places where it seems utterly incomprehensible.”
Dan Brown, Origin
“Love is not a finite emotion. We don’t have only so much to share. Our hearts create love as we need”
Dan Brown, Origin
Dan Brown, Origin
“Michelangelo is the gold standard,” Winston said with a chuckle, “brilliantly posing David in an effeminate contrapposto, his limp wrist casually holding a flaccid slingshot, conveying a feminine vulnerability. And yet David’s eyes radiate a lethal determination, his tendons and veins bulging in anticipation of killing Goliath. The work is simultaneously delicate and deadly.”
Dan Brown, Origin
“We are now perched on a strange cusp of history,” Edmond continued, “a time when the world feels like it’s been turned upside down, and nothing is quite as we imagined. But uncertainty is always a precursor to sweeping change; transformation is always preceded by upheaval and fear. I urge you to place your faith in the human capacity for creativity and love, because these two forces, when combined, possess the power to illuminate any darkness.”
Dan Brown, Origin