The Miracles of the Namiya General Store Quotes

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The Miracles of the Namiya General Store The Miracles of the Namiya General Store by Keigo Higashino
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The Miracles of the Namiya General Store Quotes Showing 1-17 of 17
“Believe me. No matter how bad things are today, they’ll be far better tomorrow. — Namiya General Store”
Keigo Higashino, ナミヤ tạp hóa điếm の kỳ tích
“Be a fighter. Give it everything you’ve got. Even a losing battle is worth fighting. Go out and make your mark.”
Keigo Higashino, ナミヤ tạp hóa điếm の kỳ tích
“People who live with their head in the clouds deserve to hit the ground every once in a while.”
Keigo Higashino, ナミヤ tạp hóa điếm の kỳ tích
“People don't drfit apart for one specific reason. Well, you might be able to find a reason, but you could come up with one only after you made up your mind, a tired excuse tacked on after the fact. If their hearts were still in it and their bond was threatening to sever, you'd think one of them would step in and try to fix things. When no one does, you you know the bond has already been broken.”
Keigo Higashino, ナミヤ tạp hóa điếm の kỳ tích
“Your map has yet to be drawn. Which makes it impossible to decide where you’re going, much less how you’re going to get there.
Faced with a blank map, who wouldn’t feel lost? It would puzzle anyone.
But try this on for size. A blank map means you can fill it in however you like. It’s entirely up to you. Everything is open; the possibilities are limitless.
It’s a beautiful thing. I can only hope this helps you find a way to start believing in yourself, and to move through life with no regrets.”
Keigo Higashino, The Miracles of the Namiya General Store
“There’s something I’ve learned from years of reading people’s letters. In most cases, they already have an answer to their problem. They’re asking for advice because they want to see if other people think they’re making the right decision. That’s why a lot of people send me a response after reading my advice. Maybe they had a different solution in mind.”
Keigo Higashino, The Miracles of the Namiya General Store
“It would destroy the very meaning of a family unit if everyone with their separate ways over fleeting feelings of anger or impatience.”
Keigo Higashino, ナミヤ tạp hóa điếm の kỳ tích
“Tidak ada alasan tertentu yang membuat orang-orang saling menjauh. Tidak, meskipun mereka mengatakan itu terjadi karena sudah tidak ada kecocokan, bisa jadi itu hanya alasan yang mengada-ada. Mengapa? Karena jika mereka masih satu hati, seharusnya salah seorang dari mereka berusaha memperbaiki ketika mulai ada tanda-tanda perpisahan akan terjadi.”
Keigo Higashino, The Miracles of the Namiya General Store
“You can’t ignore someone who speaks to you from the heart.”
Keigo Higashino, The Miracles of the Namiya General Store
“People don’t drift apart for one specific reason. Well, you might be able to find a reason, but you could come up with one only after you made up your mind, a tired excuse tacked on after the fact. If their hearts were still in it and their bond was threatening to sever, you’d think one of them would step in and try to fix things. When no one does, you know the bond has already been broken.”
Keigo Higashino, The Miracles of the Namiya General Store
“Bản đồ là giấy trắng thì dĩ nhiên là lúng túng rồi. Ai cũng sẽ thấy mất phương hướng.

Nhưng bạn hãy thử thay đổi cách nhìn. Vì còn là giấy trắng nên bạn có thể vẽ bất kỳ bản đồ nào. Tất cả là tùy ở bạn. Mọi thứ đều tự do, khả năng là vô tận. Điều này thật tuyệt. Tôi mong bạn hãy tin vào bản thân và cháy hết mình với cuộc đời.”
Keigo Higashino, The Miracles of the Namiya General Store
“But what matters here is the difference between what we feel and what we know.”
Keigo Higashino, The Miracles of the Namiya General Store
“The modest wrinkles and the slackness of her skin were a matter of course. Proof she'd seized the reins in life. Nothing to be ashamed of.”
Keigo Higashino, The Miracles of the Namiya General Store
“Memang jalan yang saya tempuh sampai hari ini tidak selalu mulus, tapi fakta bahwa saya masih hidup membuat saya yakin bisa mengatasi setiap penderitaan yang menyertainya.”
Keigo Higashino, The Miracles of the Namiya General Store
“Setelah sekian lama membaca surat permintaan konsultasi, ada satu hal yang kupahami. Dalam berbagai kasus, sebenarnya si pengirim surat sudah menemukan jawabannya. Mereka berkonsultasi hanya demi memastikan bahwa orang lain juga membenarkan keputusan mereka.”
Keigo Higashino, The Miracles of the Namiya General Store
“Masa mudamu tidak akan kembali untuk kedua kalinya. Kau harus memanfaatkan waktu sebaik-baiknya jika ingin impianmu tercapai.

Keigo Higashino, The Miracles of the Namiya General Store
“Saya berkesimpulan bahwa seseorang hanya bisa merintis kehidupannya dengan mengandalkan kekuatannya sendiri.

Paul Lennon”
Keigo Higashino, The Miracles of the Namiya General Store