A Push in Perception Quotes

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A Push in Perception A Push in Perception by Abhijit Naskar
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A Push in Perception Quotes Showing 1-27 of 27
“You have been feeling the way your society programmed you to feel. You have been thinking the way your society programmed you to think. You have been behaving the way your society programmed you to behave. Even your desires are not your own, original desires. They are all programmed in you by your society. Have you done anything original in your life?”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“Neither materialism, nor spiritualism reveals the truth - neither atheism, nor theism reveals the truth - neither intellectualism, nor callousness reveals the truth. Truth is beyond all opposites.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“Your life has only one authority and that's you.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“La vérité n'a pas de nature, car la vérité est la nature.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“We do have the brain capacity to be novel and loving souls - we are souls with limitless potential for good, yet we keep saying, it's practically impossible to be limitlessly good - to love someone infinitely - to care for someone beyond conditions.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“These preachers and priests are no more religious and wise than the parrot that keeps repeating the same words over and over again, because it is incapable of original thinking.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“Be a part of the solution O Braveheart, not contributing to the problems.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“Experience does not give you wisdom. Wisdom comes through liberation of the mind. And since most humans live a conditioned life, they never get liberated in the first place, hence they never even have the taste of wisdom.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“When there is peace in the self, there is peace in the world.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“This is not a book of truth, but simply a book that attempts with as little bias as humanly possible, to understand truth. In reality, there can be no book of truth, because truth does not rise from books. Truth rises from the human mind - truth rises from the deepest fathoms of your soul.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“Sorrow comes from fear, fear comes from insecurity, insecurity comes from psychological obscurity, which is the lack of wisdom.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“It is only by being ordinary you get to be extraordinary. Being ordinary does not mean being a robotic slave to the social conformities, like everybody else, rather it means not giving importance to both the superficiality, that is the material, and the so-called spiritual.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“Truth has no nature, for truth is nature.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“You can age for a thousand years, and still, no wisdom will ever manifest, because for true wisdom to manifest, the mind must be free, in the actual sense of the term, and the head must be held high with utmost nobility.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“Age is irrelevant to wisdom.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“Truth and liberty go hand in hand. Liberty is the state of mind, that gives rise to the truth, the ultimate state of being, for the state of being is only founded upon the state of mind.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“You are responsible for not just your immediate family, but for your neighbor as well, and that neighbor could be a few steps away from you, or a few thousand miles away.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“Truth is not a destination - it is not a point in the future which you reach through discipline and efforts. Truth is the path itself you walk on every day, driven by unbiased, naïve, curiosity for knowing - not believing, but knowing.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“The very first existential purpose of one's life, after securing the means to acquire food, clothes and shelter, is to understand oneself, that is, if one truly, genuinely, actually wants a peaceful world for one's children.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“Why are you not serious my friend? Why aren't you? Being serious is not something negative. Being serious means being responsible for what happens in our society - because we are our society – the society is us. The society is the collective expression of us humans - each one of us. You, me, everyone - is responsible for our actions - for our conditions - for our reality - for our truth.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“Ultimately, beyond the primordial, brutish labels of man-made institutions, true practical religion of the civilized society must bring oneness. This very process of unification without bigotry is what makes religion, religion, for the word religion comes from the latin" religare ", which means" to bind ", that is to unify humanity.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“No Moses, Buddha, Christ, Mohammed, Nanak, Plato, Socrates or Naskar can give you liberty. No Bible, Vedas, Quran, Republic, Meditations, Analects or Principia Humanitas can give you liberty. You need to get it yourself, or else it's not true liberty.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“Life is undoubtedly born of biology, but if a lifeform strictly constructs all its perception living inside the ship-shape well of biology, despite having developed the brain capacity to be beyond it, then it is a disgusting mockery of life itself.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“Everything you know is past. And with that disgusting arrogance of knowing the past, one cannot know something novel.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“In the emptiness of the mind, lies wholeness. This wholeness is beyond duality - it is beyond conflicts - it is beyond facts and figures - it is beyond all intellectualism.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception
“Theism is a conclusion, so is atheism - none of these two conclusions is the product of serious investigation - one is born from the human's primitive urge to believe, and the other is born from the human's comparatively modern arrogance of radical reasoning. Neither of them truly wants to understand - rather both of them want to conclude on a matter that requires infinite patience, perseverance and naivety.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception