Circles of Separation Quotes

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Circles of Separation: A Spiritual Fiction Series (Waldmeer Series, #3) Circles of Separation: A Spiritual Fiction Series by Donna Goddard
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Circles of Separation Quotes Showing 1-30 of 51
“At every step, she paused, withdrew to the inner sanctuary, and asked herself, Does this feel right? Her answer came in the form of peace or tension. If she felt tension, she stepped a different way. If she felt peace, she kept going forward.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“It is not the frame which matters but the picture. Make sure that the picture is beautiful. The frame is only there to draw the eyes to the picture.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“The worst place is at the fork. You can’t keep going the same direction as you came. You have to choose one or other path. Whatever the choice, at least, it is movement. Otherwise, you are just forking around getting nowhere.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“You see the separation of life as very arbitrary at this time.
You are not alone in this assumption.
You have far more connection than you are even vaguely aware of.
You will not lose the love that is yours.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“Healing has a chance in our lives when we have exhausted all our other options.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“You have to stay out of the game. It’s deadly and no one ever wins. Everyone is a loser. Even seeming wins are short-lived and have the taste of bitterness mixed in with the satisfaction of personal gain. The ego is exclusive by nature. While the spirit seeks to include, the ego is unashamedly manipulative in its culling of people. The intention of self-aggrandisement is barely even covered over. The soul does not see people in terms of what it can gain. It seeks to share. It seeks to create by extension of its own and others’ true nature. The ego is extremely changeable. It has no stability. Constantly guarding against attack and looking out for its own advantage, its perceptions and thus feelings towards others are ever-shifting. This creates unhappiness. The more we veer away from our true nature, the more unhappy we feel. When we align with our better self, we feel happy again. And so the process continues until the spaces between happiness are not as long and arduous. The presence or absence of personal peace is our barometer. It will guide us even if we are not sure of the way.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“Love is its own reward. We do not have to worry about what other people think about us. We can never feel alone or isolated when we understand that it is impossible for love to leave our side. Love is all around us.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“The threads of interconnectedness are complex. They are both fragile and unbreakable. One must be grateful for destiny’s gifts along the way.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation: A Spiritual Fiction Series
“When we are personally transforming into a whole, healthy, and soulful being, we automatically want to help others to do the same thing as it strengthens and accelerates our own transformation.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“When you have a castle within, you don’t need one outside. I prefer to keep things simple.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“Babies do not have both feet squarely on Earth. They float between the worlds, not being able to clearly distinguish them. As they grow, they must become firmly established as Earth dwellers. Their memory of other worlds fades and disappears. They learn how to be human before they can, one day, recall their spiritual heritage.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“Existence is much more than we can physically see. Our potential, in every way, is far greater than we understand. Spiritual reality is always pushing us towards evolution, healing, love, and freedom.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“The Spirit is as much a jealous lover as the ego. Both guard their path with an uncompromising passion but for very different reasons.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“We all have two voices, perhaps, many more. Every day, if not every minute, we have to choose which one will get our attention. If we choose the higher one, our suffering will lessen and, quite often, completely disappear but it takes humility and trust. The longer we keep listening to the lower voice, the harder it is to drag ourselves away from it. Nevertheless, all it takes is one second. If we chose something else last week or yesterday or a minute ago, it doesn’t matter. We just need to make another choice right now.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“Think not you can return on the path that leads to the fork.
Taken once, it disappears as the choice lies ahead.
Both roads will lead to somewhere but one will be to nowhere.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“No one replaces anyone else. No one substitutes for another person. Every person is unique. Every relationship is unique. Every relationship’s purpose is unique. Life is fluid; it moves. It doesn’t die; it reforms. Each day is new. We can only try and do our best for today. It’s enough, don’t you think? No more is asked. But also no less.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“If you must dream a dream, at least, make it a happy dream.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“Don’t feed the drama monster. It’s insatiable and has no friends.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“Do not assume that someone else’s ego can love you. It cannot. It does not even love the person it resides in. The limit of the ego’s 'love' is to decide that you are a temporary ally and thus it will protect you for the benefit of its own use. Only a soul can accept and return love. Everything else is manipulation. Fragile arrangements. They are, at best, suspicious and, at worst, vicious.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“If a physical overhaul brings more freedom, creativity, and self-worth then the process will add to the person’s depth and happiness. It would be a step closer to realising one’s inestimable worth. If the overhaul doesn’t do that then it is decorating skeletons.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“We’re our own worst enemy and our own best friend.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“It's not about finding the right person. People are not that right.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
“It is not about finding the right person. People are not that right. Even if they start out right, we soon have a litany of complaints. The only answer is to be the right person ourselves. Then everything will tend to work together in a good way. And when it does work, don’t be waving contracts, written or invisible, in front of people. Love that controls is not love but a contract. You don’t need to jump into the driver’s seat before the other person has an opportunity. Love freely and genuinely. Love openly and with courage. And forgive, forgive, forgive. People are a mass of problems. Stop remembering them all, or there will be no room to create the beautiful moments you wish to cherish in your soul.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation: A Spiritual Fiction Series
“It is not about finding the right person. People are not that right. Even if they start out right, we soon have a litany of complaints. The only answer is to be the right person ourselves. Then everything will tend to work together in a good way.”
Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation: A Spiritual Fiction Series

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