When the Drop becomes the Ocean Quotes

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When the Drop becomes the Ocean When the Drop becomes the Ocean by Swami Dhyan Giten
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When the Drop becomes the Ocean Quotes Showing 1-25 of 25
“The whole message of Jesus Christ is rejoicement. Jesus has said: Those who lose themselves will find themselves. It is to dissolve like a drop falls into the sea. The spiritual teacher is a death, but he is also a rebirth, a resurrection, a rejoicement.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“Meditation is a death, a death of the ego. A meditator has to pass through a death. Meditation is the art of learning to die consciously. The spiritual teacher gives you meditation to die and to be reborn.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“Enlightenment is the realization that all is as it should be. Everything is perfect as it is. Enlightenment is not an effort to achieve. Enlightenment is a state of non-doing, of effortlessness. Enlightenment is the feeling that you are at home in existence. You are part of the whole. You don't exist separately, all separation has disappeared. Enlightenment is the understanding that all is good and that all is an tremendous harmony.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“Your actions bind you, because you think that you are the actions.
Actions bind you, because you think that you are the doer. The "I", the ego, behind the actions goes on binding you to those actions.
Through countless past lives this feeling of being the doer has become strengthened.
You think that you are a great doer, while in reality there is no other doer than existence.
How can you drop this attachments and karma?
If someone becomes conscious that he is not the doer of the actions - all actions are the will of the whole and he is only a flute in existence hands.
In that moment he is free of karma.
If the bondage of karma is not destroyed, there is no freedom.
A meditator says: Now I am not doing anything, everything is done by existence.
If someone receives this insight both the bondage of present karma and the bondage of all past karma will vanish.
Karma can be dissolved only when cut from the root - and the root is the ego, the sense of that "I" am doing.
So the doer, the "I", has to dissolve.
It is not necessary to focus on the actions, only the "I", the ego, has to be dissolved.
Whenever there is a feeling that "I am doing this", remember that your are only the seer, the witness.
Be a watcher. Whenever the feeling of "I" is there shift it to the watcher.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“To know life you to learn the art of death.
A seeker of truth who wants to know life must go through the experience of death.
Man consists of two layers: 1. The body, which belongs to the dimension of death and 2. The soul, the consciousness, which belongs to life itself. A person who accepts death will attain to the deathless. For the person who is conscious about death, death does not exist. Then death becomes a door to the deathless, to the eternal.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“The fourth thing about authenticity and to create loving relationships to yourself, to others and to life is to learn to love yourself. If you love and accept yourself that is the beginning of accepting all. Then all is good as it is, in that experience life takes on a new joy, a new gratefulness.If you reject yourself, you are rejecting existence. If you accept yourself, you have accepted existence. Then life is good, you feel grateful. Then whatsoever happens is good, because it happens out of the whole. But you have been conditioned for centuries not to love and accept yourself.
Nobody has ever told you that you are good as you are. Once you are incapable of loving yourself, you will never be able to love anybody. You can love others only if you are able to love yourself. A person who loves himself sooner or later starts overflowing with love.Love yourself because if you don't love yourself; nobody else will ever be able to love you. You cannot love a person, who hates himself. How can you love a person, who is condemning himself? He cannot love himself, how can you love him. He will not believe you. He cannot allow anybody to love him, because he knows that heis unworthy of love. And you know what you are: worthless. That is what you have been told by the parents, the priests and the politicians. Nobody has ever accepted you as you are. Nobody has given you the feeling that you are loved and respected, that you are needed and that this existence will miss you, that without you this existence will not be the same. Without you this existence will lose some joy, love, beauty, truth and poetry. Nobody has told you that you are love and respected by existence. Love and accept yourself,relax into your being, you are cherished by the whole. Once you start feeling this love and respect of the whole in you, you will start growing roots in your being. Only then you can love people, you can love the trees and the animals. Love is only possible when there is a deep love and acceptance of oneself, of the other and of the world. And then you will be surprised: life is always ready to shower you with gifts. Life is always ready to give abundantly, but we cannot receive it, because we don't feel that we are worthy of receiving it. Accept yourself, love yourself, you are God's creation.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“Happiness comes from without, bliss comes from within. Happiness is dependent on other people and outer causes, bliss is not dependent on outer causes.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“Be truthful to yourself. You do not need to change anybody else. If you can grow yourself that is enough. To be authentic means to be true to your own being.
Always listen to your inner voice, otherwise your whole life will be wasted. Don't allow anybody else to try to manipulate and control you. To be authentic menas to be true to oneself. Truth means the authenticity of being, not imposing anything that you are not. Truth means not to pretend, just be whatsover you are. It is to be authentic, true and respectful to your own soul. Risk everything for truth, otherwise you will remain discontented. Even a single moment of authentcity is better than a whole life of inauthentic living. Love is only possible with the truth. Love has to be lived, otherwise your life will be futile. Risk everything for truth. Never risk truth for anything else. Then tremendous happiness will be yours. Once you are true, everything becomes possible.
It is not always easy to be true to oneself, but whenever people do it they achieve such beauty, grace and contentment. Always listen to the inner voice, and don't listen to anything else. The world is a supermarket, and everybody is interersted in selling things to you. The society wants to make you a hypocrite. Just close your eyes and listen to the inner voice. That is what meditation is all about, to listen to the inner voice.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“Our intuition is the inner teacher, the inner source of love, truth and wisdom, The old Indian scriptures say that the outer spiritual teacher is helpful to find your own intuition, your inner guide, your own inner teacher.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“Knowing yourself, you know all.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“Methods to dispel the impurities of the Heart

What are the impurities of the heart? The meditator has to dispel all impurities of the heart.

1. Compassion

Fill the heart with compassion and then violence, anger and jealousy will disappear.

Before moving into meditation, feel unconditional love and compassion towards the whole world.

The first purification of the meditator is that when you sit in meditation, begin by feeling compassion for the whole world.

Compassion will dissolve the impurities that accumulate in your heart and mind.

2. Friendliness

The second thing to purify the heart is friendliness towards the whole World - not only towards man, but towards everything.

3. Cheerfulness

The third thing to purify the heart is cheerfulness, a feeling of joy and cheerfulness.

When we are in joy, no impurity flows towards us from the world.

When we are said, we immediately start thinking of making the whole world miserable.

Cheerfulness is to fill your heart with joy and cheerfulness.

4. Indifference

The fourth method to purify the heart is indifference, no matter what happens.

Whether good or bad things happen. whether success or failure happens, whether self-realization happens or not - remain indifferent.

One remains centered and balanced between the two, one does not choose between the two.

These four methods are the essence of religion.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“The third thing about authenticity and to create living relationships to yourself, to others and to life is to learn to trust yourself. If you trust yourself, you can trust people, you can trust in existence. But if you don't trust in yourself, then no other trust is possible. Society destroys your trust at the very roots. The society does not allow you to trust yourself. The society teaches all other kinds of trust: trust in the parents, trust in the church and trust in the state, but the basic trust in yourself is completely destroyed. The society destroys the basic trust in yourself deliberately, because a man who trusts in himself is dangerous for society. A man who trusts himself is an independent man. The society needs dependent people, who are easy to manipulate and control.This is why the society destroys the trust in yourself, because an individual who do not trust in himself is shaky and afraid and then he is controllable. Start trusting yourself. Trusting yourself is the fundamental lesson.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“The second thing about authenticity and creating loving relationships to yourself, to others and to life is to learn to listen to yourself and your feelings. The hypocrisy of the society is to teach you to not listen to yourself, to your feelings, and to not show your true face. So each individual becomes like an island, closed and separated. From early childhood, we have been taught to suppress the real. In unconscious and mechanical ways, we go on suppressing, without knowing what we are doing. Listen to the heart, and whatsoever is true, bring it out. And once you know how to be true, it will be so joyful and beautiful that you will never go back to being false. Be true to yourself, that is the basic responsibility towards yourself. You are answerable to your own being. This is the whole problem: how to be yourself. Then life becomes a beautiful mystery to be loved, and not a problem to be solved.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“The first thing about being authentic and to create loving relationships to yourself, to others and to life is to remain true to your own being and to listen to your inner voice. Be truthful to yourself. You are not needed to change others or try to teach others according to your ideas, expectations or ideology. If you change, that is enough. How to remain true? The first thing is to remain true to your own being and to listen to your inner voice; otherwise your whole life will be wasted. The first thing is your being. Don't allow others to manipulate and control you. There are many people that try to control you, that want to change you, according to their ideas, ideals and ideologies.Remember to be true to your inner voice.To be authentic is to be true to oneself. Always listen to the inner voice and don't listen to people that want to control and manipulate you. Just close your eyes and listen to the inner voice. That is what meditation is all about, to learn to listen to your inner voice.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“The truth is that egolessness is the door to bliss.
The moment you are egoless, you are nothing, you become a door to the divine.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“The divine way is to remain true to love. Remain true to love and remain true to life. Love and meditation are one of the most essential messages. Love and meditation should go hand in hand. Only two meditators can live together in love.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“Happiness is the meaning and goal of life.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“The last words of Buddha were: Be a light to yourself. You are born with a light within you. You are enough to yourself. You are sufficient to yourself. Listen to the still, small voice within, and that will guide you. Buddha defines wisdom as living in the light of your own consciousness. This message of Buddha functions as a reminder to the seeker of truth on the path to enlightenment.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“The heart of spirituality is silence.
Jesus used to leave his disciples and move to a mountain, where he went into silence and prayer. Truth has descended only when someone has become silent within. In those moments of silence one becomes attuned to the whole. Be silent and allow the silence to spread.As the silence spreads, the mind will begin to dissolve. In India a sage is called a muni. Muni means one who has become silent within. And only one who has become silent within has the right to speak, because his words will have some value. Unless you feel that your talking, will be beneficial to somebody, do not talk. When you understand silence, slowly you will become silent wherever you are.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“When a person experiences the divine, he can no longer condemn anyone. Love becomes natural to him, because he starts seeing godliness in everybody.
The person that has entered the inner temple of the heart of all living beings truly sees.
To experience godliness one has to recognize that which is hidden deep in the inner temple of the heart. The divine is hidden deep within yourself.
Godliness is the original source within everybody. Godliness is the ultimate mystery. Godliness is the universal self. It is the ultimate limit of existence.
Godliness is everywhere. Everything in the world is a reflection of the divine. To recognize the divine is the ultimate wisdom, the ultimate truth.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“Don't be worried whether you will be able to be enlightened in this life. Once you have started the journey, you have already made it.
Every river is constantly moving to the ocean. The only problem is with people, who have become closed stagnant ponds, which is not open to flow. To become a stagant small pond means that there is no growith, there is no new experiences.
To be a sincere seeker means to drop this static state and become a flowing river.
It does not matter when you reach the ocean. Once you have started moving and flowing, falling into the ocean is absolutely determined.
You have gatehred the trust, courage and silence to jump out of the static state into a living being.
When you have started flowing, then falling into the ocean is bound to happen.
And you are the ocean, every drop contains the ocean, it is of the same nature.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“Meditation is a death, a death of the ego. There will be a rejoicement, a resurrection, but that will be a totally new, fresh original being. It happens in love, music, dance and creativity, that only for a small moment you slip out of your ego, your personality, and come in contact with your inner being, your individuality. But that happens only for a single moment, and then you are back again. In silence and meditation, you disappear. Then even if you resurrect you are a totally different person. You have to learn to live with fresh eyes, with a totally new heart.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“The meaning of life is to become conscious. The whole evolution of life is to become increasingly more conscious.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“Enlightenment is a door to existence. Enlightenment is the insight that everything is as it should be. Everything is perfect as it is.
The meditator knows that he is going to die but he also knows that he is going to be reborn. Enlightenment is the realization that you are part of existence, of the whole.
A great rejoicement happens in enlightenment, because you are at home in existence.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“The basic teaching of all religions is silence.
A silence spread in our inner being, the mind will begin to dissolve. That silence unites you with truth. When a person is ready to dissolve into silence, his ego will disappear, and he will not be separated from existence.
A holy person means one who has become silent within. A spiritual teacher is a death, because the ego of the student will dissolve completely. Within the student arises a pure emptiness, and samadhi is born.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean