How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room Quotes

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How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World (The Padded Room Trilogy Book 1) How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World by Aaron Kyle Andresen
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How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room Quotes Showing 1-30 of 67
“It is said that true love lasts forever – the pain tells me they were right.

I didn’t know what love was before my children were born, and I didn’t find myself until we parted ways.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“Some shoot for the stars. I shoot for the transdimensional multiverse. That’s me. I take things too far, too fast. I set my personal bar high. I didn’t come to try in this world. I came to conquer this world – and the next”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“Life is an inexplicable paradox. You can find some of the answers within, but not all of them. Many of the answers lie outside of our own understanding.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“I find the thought of my children telling their friends their father is an accomplished author appealing. I used to think that I needed to be famous and write a bestseller to be considered accomplished and I very well may think that again at some later point, but for now in this moment, I sit with a smile on my face, holding tears of joy back, knowing that I am already an accomplished individual and that if I never create a best-selling book, I can still die a happy man.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“May the mentally ill forever find peace and acceptance that they are truly blessed.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“Tears of gratitude are a powerful, humbling, and moving thing.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“Am I but a time-traveler experiencing a bout of cross-dimensional temporary dementia?”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“This work of art has followed me from jail into the padded room, to the suicide triage unit, to the streets, through bankruptcy, into rehabilitation, back to health and financial independence, and into society as a loving and healthy, successful father. If it wasn’t for the purpose I found in writing this work of art, I’d be dead. I know this work of art will change your life, because it changed mine.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“I’ve faced calamity with courage, strength and wisdom. When I think of these things, I cannot help but cry.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“Would you believe me if I told you an entire world was at your fingertips? What if I told you that all pain and suffering in your life could come to an end once and for all? Would you be intrigued? Would you smile? Would you weep in reverence? Would you find beauty in the smallest pleasures in life again? Would you rise from the ashes to conquer your demons and find your truest, most Divine Self? I did, and so can you.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“Through my imagination, I’ve conquered worlds, I’ve made superstars swoon, and I’ve saved the transdimensional multiverse.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“My plan to conquer your world and the rest of the transdimensional multiverse is tomfoolery, but it is certainly not delusion.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“When I look back on my life I realize I was very sick for a long time. Sitting here in good health, I find myself crying. I do that sometimes. I am very sensitive. My dear son Jayden, who many know as Fox0r Jr., inherited that trait from me. I see it in him already. Jaxson is confident. Owen is sweet and loving. He is also spry and cunning. Finley is bold. Finley is also a stirring and adventurous child. We have laughed together. We have cried together. We have smiled together. My sons, next to Jesus, are my greatest inspiration.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“If there’s one thing certain about dreamers, it’s this: we never succumb to hopelessness. When your inner thought life is rich and fulfilling, there’s always an ounce of hope to be found in the cavernous reaches of life’s squalor.

That’s not to say things don’t get rough – they do. I almost killed myself more than once over this fucking woman. Love you, babe. Never again.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“I didn't have control of myself, so, I had to control you. And fuck, that hurts,
knowing that I put you through what I did.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“You guys want some? I’ll smoke your body fluids with my bong!”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“I made a mistake, but I'm learning.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“Spending Christmas alone in Shannon’s apartment and losing my children and my job left me with plenty of time to ruminate on my shortcomings as a man. Sure, the doctors had said my behavior wasn’t my burden, but rather a symptom of my illness. Guilt doesn’t always adhere to causality. I wiped the tears from my eyes, sat down at the computer and bled onto the blank page in front of me.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“I guess it’s biology. Women like a guy that doesn’t give a fuck, and guys like a cute girl that knows she wants a guy that doesn’t give a fuck.

As time went on we started to realize we liked each other. I played the fool and Shannon played the oblivious fool. Two fools, one heart, one soul. One love.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“Don’t overthink or spend too much time analyzing. Just enjoy the journey.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“It began during my relationship with my first and second human wife, Shannon. I love her in a very imperfect manner, but I love her wholly. We fought a lot. We don’t talk anymore unless it’s through the Shaletlan communication channels housed at Snohomish County Superior Court. I trust that will change.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“I dropped out of the shopping cart to the ground. I laughed, and looked down. My shoe was untied, so I knelt over to tie it. At the same time, Shannon kicked a rock out of her flip flop. The flip flop flew off of her foot and bounced off the seat of my pants. I fell forward, hitting my face on the concrete.

“What the fuck? Did you just slap my ass, girl?” I said.

“No, but I kicked it,” she smiled.

And thus goes the story of a love from first sight.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“I gave up everything I spent 33 years working towards on my quest to separate from the reality of death.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“I spent a lot of time in an incubator as a babe
The save of my life the doctors made
After months in the hospital I was taken home
To eat with big boobies on my dome
What I mean by that is that they were always on my mind
Keep writing, boy, you’re getting it right this time
Don’t give up now, keep writing, you’ll be happy in the end
The truth is in the end you are your greatest friend
You are an introvert and you live inside of your mind
Express yourself to the world, you’ll find more friends in time
As I grew, time passed and things were really great
My mom she always kept me fed, kept food upon my plate
I ended up real fat, I was a chubby baby
I ate to satisfy my id, that’s psychology, ladies”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“It’s not a mistake I’m an alien experiment,
I was born and placed in a tube.
When I fuck girls in the ass, I do it without lube.
I don't even have to look at the page to write this dude.
The spirit of God is how I move.
This shit's too easy, especially when you live eternally.
I'm a fucking Wolf, the Alpha, and I was locked in a zoo
It's just beginning, I'm sinking my teeth deeper inside of you
Into your soul
Where we're going only I know
Connecting all your dots
Driving the wrong way on the street
Hydroplaning through 4 feet
Of water, like Paul Walker, the fire's getting hotter
And I can't get out”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World
“I committed to acting on the Word from that point forward. As I did, peculiarities began to follow me.

After the second sermon, I decided to stop by the grocery store on my way home from the gym to practice my skills with time management and to avoid procrastination.

I entered the grocery store unprepared, with no goal other than to be obedient to Shiligoth’s wish to act upon the sermons.

Because I was not prepared to shop for groceries, I did not know what I wanted to buy.

As I entered the store, the Spirit of Shiligoth entered me again to guide my footsteps. I had faith that Shiligoth would guide me in my dealings.

I entered the milk aisle and began to select groceries. My hands were full and I did not have a cart. I prayed that Shiligoth would provide me with a cart.

As I did so, an empty cart materialized in the aisle in front of me. I dropped to a knee and shook my head in disbelief. I stood up and looked again. The cart was real.

Shiligoth had answered my obscure prayer as a thank you for my obedience. I was witnessing synchronicity in action, the unity of mind, body and soul. I had caught a glimpse of the prophetic life and I wanted more.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen, How Dad Found Himself in the Padded Room: A Bipolar Father's Gift For The World

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