Silence Quotes

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Silence: A Thirteenth-Century French Romance Silence: A Thirteenth-Century French Romance by Heldris de Cornualles
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Silence Quotes Showing 1-7 of 7
“Master Heldris of Cornwall
is writing these verses strictly to measure.
As for those who possess them, he commands and requests,
right here at the beginning of the work he is creating,
that anyone who has them should burn them
rather than share them with the kind of people
who don't know a good story
when they hear one.”
Heldris de Cornualles, Silence: A Thirteenth-Century French Romance
“What good does it do one to pile up wealth
if no good or honor issues from it?
Assets are worth much less than manure:
at least dung enriches the soil,
but the wealth that is locked away
is a disgrace to the man who hoards it.”
Heldris de Cornualles, Silence: A Thirteenth-Century French Romance
“I am not to blame, you know,
whether the child is male or female.
God who created and who watches over mankind
has decreed that the mother should be happy
and the father pleased with any child.”
Heldris de Cornualles, Silence: A Thirteenth-Century French Romance
“He was so used to men's usage
and had so rejected women's ways
that little was lacking for him to be a man.
Whatever one could see was certainly male!
But there's more to this than meets the eye -
the he's a she beneath the clothes.”
Heldris de Cornualles, Silence: A Thirteenth-Century French Romance
“Go to a chamber and learn to sew!
That's what Nature's usage wants of you!
You are not Silentius! "
and he replied, "I never heard that before!
Not Silentius? Who am I then?
Silentius is my name, I think,
or I am other than who I was.
But this I know well, upon my oath,
that I cannot be anybody else!
Therefore, I am Silentius,
as I see it, or I am no one.”
Heldris de Cornualles, Silence: A Thirteenth-Century French Romance
“I was trying to make life easy for myself,
but I have a mouth too hard for kisses,
and arms too rough for embraces.
One could easily make a fool of me
in any game played under the covers,
for I'm a young man, not a girl.”
Heldris de Cornualles, Silence: A Thirteenth-Century French Romance
“A good woman should neither take offense
nor blame herself for someone else's faults,
but simply strive all the harder to do what is right.”
Heldris de Cornualles, Silence: A Thirteenth-Century French Romance