Redeemed Quotes

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Redeemed (Dirty Air, #4) Redeemed by Lauren Asher
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Redeemed Quotes Showing 1-30 of 108
“I think we owe it to ourselves to unapologetically love who we are no matter what. Because if you don’t love yourself, then why do you expect anyone else to?”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“Because in the end, nothing is more fearful than realizing life goes on, with or without you”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“I wish to find someone who appreciates my presence instead of destroying it.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“I don’t want to see the world through rose-colored glasses. I want to see it with a wildflower heart like yours, desperately chasing after what makes me happy, wild, and free. And most of all, I want to chase after it with you.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“Life is about creating the memories that matter, while forgetting the ones that don’t.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“I’ve lived the past three years in a world of black and white. Depression and isolation ate away at the man I was, creating someone I don’t recognize. So, yes, I want to experience the world through Chloe’s eyes because it’s like seeing color for the first time. It’s breathtaking and spectacular, fundamentally shifting life as I know it. She’s my kaleidoscope in a world of gray.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“Because those who see beauty in chaos also see flowers instead of weeds, and that’s a gift in a world like ours.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“I love you, Chloe. And it's okay if you don't know what it means to be loved by someone, let alone love someone else because I promise to love you enough for the two of us. To love you every day to make up for everyone else who failed you miserably.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“If she’s the princess who picks wildflowers and radiates sunshine, then I’m the beast”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“For the first time in a long time, I don’t want to turn back the clock, either.” He looks up from his hands, hitting me with a stare filled with mixed emotions. “Why?” “Because you make me want to live in the present rather than kill myself by focusing on the past.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“The way Santiago laughs, loose and rough, has Maya and Noah looking at us with wide eyes. Something about their reaction tells me Santiago doesn’t laugh that way often. Can I make him do it again? I’ve always dreamed of having a superpower.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“Santiago officially made the top of my sexy list. Okay, who am I kidding? He is the list.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“My whole life has been filled with people whose aims were always in the bad place. The difference with Santiago is all his decisions were made with me in mind. Even if it wasn’t the right choice for me, it was the right choice to him, and I need to understand that. And most of all, growing up in a world of uncaring people shows me that it’s not okay to punish someone for caring too much.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“Fear motivates me. It reminds me how the best things in life will always make us afraid, but that shouldn’t stop us from pursuing them anyway.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“I take advantage of his silence. “Next time you think I looked at you with disgust, remember that kiss. I’m not a unicorn because I’d much rather be a dragon in the story. They’re more badass anyway.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“An embroidery circle takes up a spot in the middle of the counter. I rush toward it and pick it up. My heart rate speeds up in my chest as I check out the most beautiful design I’ve ever seen. There’s no mistaking who made this. Santiago crafted a field of wildflowers, making up every color of the rainbow. It’s hands-down the best gift anyone has given me. A wobbly looking quote takes up the top of the design. Where most people see weeds, I only see you—my beautiful wildflower, untamed and free.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“She’s like a rainbow after the storm, and I’ll be damned if she fades away once the sun breaks through the clouds.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“Seriously, this man is a whole other level of irresistible. He cooks, he babysits, and he’s grumpy. My kind of kryptonite.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“And most of all, loving you is realizing heaven isn’t a place, but a person.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“I do want to fight for myself. That’s the point. And you’re not a crutch. You’re part of the foundation to help me get where I want to be.” “And that is?” “Accepting that, while I can never be the man I was, I can become a man you want to be with.” I brush my thumb across her bottom lip.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“I point to my empty side. “Then get your ass over here. I like to cuddle.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“Noah turns toward me. “You did it.” I shake my head. “There’s no me without you.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“So I’m you’re wildflower, huh?” My cheeks heat. I might have gone a little overboard with my writing. I’m no Robert Frost, but I can get inspired too. “I love when you get all shy on me. It’s cute.” “I’m not shy.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“This is how we get in trouble, Chloe. Resist the man with a damaged past and a heart to match.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“I thought success was what people were interested in, but in reality, they’re more invested in my downfall.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“She describes her loneliness as a weakness, but I only see it as a strength. While people like me shrivel away in the shadows, people like her create their own light. She’s like the moon who shines bright despite the never-ending darkness. And she makes me want to wish that daylight never comes again.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“It’s all right. There’s no reason to get upset. It’s in the past.” “Is it? How can anyone move past that?” “Because then I’d lose sight of what’s important.” By this point, I’m sure Chloe can hear my heart pounding wildly in my chest. “And what’s that?” “Life is about creating the memories that matter, while forgetting the ones that don’t.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“Personally, I don’t care if it takes you a minute or an hour to get up. All that matters is that you do.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“And nothing says “I’m sorry” quite like an embroidered disaster-piece. Sure, the design looks a little wonky but it was made with love. I’m sure if Chloe closes her left eye and squints with the right, it will look pretty damn good.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed
“She’s my kaleidoscope in a world of gray.”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed

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