Sensitive Is the New Strong Quotes

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Sensitive Is the New Strong: The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World Sensitive Is the New Strong: The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World by Anita Moorjani
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Sensitive Is the New Strong Quotes Showing 1-9 of 9
“Good teachers help you believe in yourself, rather than cultivate a belief in them. They teach you to connect to the divinity within you.”
Anita Moorjani, Sensitive Is the New Strong: The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World
“The outside world is loud and demanding so the first step in honing our powers is learning to deal effectively with sensory overload. We have to identify and manage the things that jam our inner guidance system. And that involves turning down the volume on the outside world so we can hear what's going on inside.”
Anita Moorjani, Sensitive Is the New Strong: The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World
“Your sensitivity opens up six sensory world. It's connected to the other side. If you block your sensitivity, you block what's coming in from the other realm. The thing is to be aware that you're giving your power to the outside world, and to start giving it to your own inner world or to your higher self.”
Anita Moorjani, Sensitive Is the New Strong: The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World
“We're born with a strong intuitive connection to everything and everyone around us, but we live in a world that barely acknowledges our sixth sense. However, for some of us, our inner knowing is as strong, or maybe even stronger, than our other senses.”
Anita Moorjani, Sensitive Is the New Strong: The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World
“When we deny that part of ourselves - one sixth of our senses - we deny part of who we are. And this is why empaths and highly sensitive and intuitive people struggle in this world. They are forced to deny one of their fundamental senses that helps them to navigate the world, and in doing so, they end up feeling lost and confused.”
Anita Moorjani, Sensitive Is the New Strong: The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World
“Now when our ego is turned up high, working in tandem with our conscious awareness knob, the ego becomes a beneficial tool because it helps us identify with, and connect to, our own individuality. It allows us to differentiate our own being, emotions, feelings, needs, and desires from those of others, clarifying who we are in contrast to the external world.”
Anita Moorjani, Sensitive Is the New Strong: The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World
“Criticism and disapproval hurt us more than most. To avoid the pain and to fit in, we often mold ourselves into what we believe others want us to be.”
Anita Moorjani, Sensitive Is the New Strong: The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World
“I came to understand that being an empath wasn't a condition I could get rid of, so I needed to stop judging myself and beating myself up for being this way. Instead, I had to learn to accept it, love it, and work with it. I also understood why I struggled with coping in the world.”
Anita Moorjani, Sensitive Is the New Strong: The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World
“A healthy ego protects and fortifies you. It's also important to note that there's a difference between having an ego and being egocentric. Having an ego gives you self-confidence. It gives you the strength and insight to stand up for yourself in situations where you feel vulnerable or exploited. Being egocentric involves being self-centred and self-serving, often to the detriment of others. Egocentric people frequently display a lack of empathy for the needs and feelings of others and the world at large.”
Anita Moorjani, Sensitive Is the New Strong: The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World