Chocky Quotes

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Chocky Chocky by John Wyndham
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Chocky Quotes Showing 1-14 of 14
“It was all conveyed by the nicest, almost indetectably refined blend of sympathy and bitchiness...”
John Wyndham, Chocky
“And your oil engines are just a deplorable perversion – dirty, noisy, poisonous, and the cars you drive with them are barbarous, dangerous...”
Chocky in "Chocky”
John Wyndham, Chocky
“Reality is relative. Devils, evil spirits, witches and so on became real enough to the people who believed in them. Just as God is to people who believe in Him. When people live their lives by their beliefs objective reality is almost irrelevant.”
John Wyndham, Chocky
““Your Tim is so unmistakably a healthy extravert type. Mens stulta in corpore sano, and all that.”

“Exactly,” she agreed.”
John Wyndham, Chocky
“Babies, in a world that already has far too many, remain desirable.”
John Wyndham, Chocky
“When people live their lives by their beliefs objective reality is almost irrelevant. ‘That’s”
John Wyndham, Chocky
“Напоследък сте съумели да овладеете и натрупаната от вашето слънце енергия и наричате това прогрес. Това не е прогрес. Прогресът е приближаване към някаква цел. Каква е вашата цел? Не знаете и тъй като не я знаете, все едно че се движите в кръг — което всъщност и правите, защото вие пилеете енергийните си източници. А те са вашият капитал. Когато ги изчерпите, ще се върнете обратно на нивото, на което сте били, преди да ги откриете. Това не е прогрес, това е разточителство.”
John Wyndham, Chocky
“I'm not bigoted enough to twist facts to suit what I've been taught.”
John Wyndham, Chocky
tags: 1968
“Like all parents she is dichotomous, what she really wants is a child genius who is perfectly normal.”
John Wyndham, Chocky
“There are fears that we would strongly assert, and honestly believe, we have outgrown which, nevertheless, still lie dormant in all of us, ready to be aroused by a careless, unexpected word used at a critical moment.”
John Wyndham, Chocky
tags: fear
“Como la mente no tiene masa, no utiliza tiempo en desplazarse.”
John Wyndham, Chocky
“I'm not bigoted enough to twist the facts to suit what I've been taught.”
John Wyndham, Chocky
tags: 1968
“I felt a poignant memory of those desolate patches of disillusion which are the shocks of growing up. The discovery that one lived in a world which could pay honour where honour was not due, was just such a one. The values were rocked, the dependable was suddenly flimsy, the solid became hollow, gold turned to brass, there was no integrity anywhere…”
John Wyndham, Chocky
“You have not done badly with electricity in a hundred years. And you did well with steam in quite a short time. But all that is so cumbersome, so inefficient. And your oil engines are just a deplorable perversion - dirty, noisy, poisonous, and the cars you drive with them are barbarous, dangerous…

You should be employing your resources, while you still have the, to tap and develop the use of power which is not finite.

..I sometimes”
John Wyndham, Chocky